Showbiz A festive week for Stijn Van Poucke (40) and Nuria Gilizintinova (31), the oerkoppel from the ‘Blind Married-stable. Their son Victor is 1 on 5 march, and they have big news. If all goes well, he’ll be there in september for a little brother or sister, writes Story. “We made a flying start, and we still live at a high tempo,” laughs Stu.

Their first pregnancy wanted to Nuria and Stijn aware in all the rest live to far away from all the attention. And so, Flanders was surprised when it turned out that Nuria on march 5, 2018 have a son in the world had. Exactly on the first birthday of Victor they have a memorable news, with the difference that they this time want to share: they are in anticipation of their second child. “It was a dream to have two children in quick succession. We let the nature run its course since the beginning of this year, and it was the right price. So quickly we had not expected, but the child is very welcome”, says Nuria. “In three years time, I am two times pregnant, we are four times moved, we bought a house, we’re in the renovation work and walk home two cats around. As Stijn me now do not know, will save something (laughs) .”

How do you have Stijn the glad news told, Nuria?

Nuria: “Well, as with my previous pregnancy had Stijn in the holes before I even get a pregnancy test did. I believed nothing of it, but he was right. In bed I showed him the test. He was very quiet and said bone-dry: ‘Congratulations, you’re pregnant’, with a kiss on my jaw. I had a little more enthusiasm expected, I was really angry!”
Stijn : “But that is my form of humor (laughs) . I simply had a hunch that the weather price.”

Do you suffer from typical common pregnancy problems?

Nuria: “Mood swings, forgetfulness, nausea, fatigue… I have it all! But oh well, I get back a baby! I am hysterically happy! I’m even more excited than the first time. During my first pregnancy, I was very quiet and hesitant because the outside world was not aware of. Now I feel everything much more intense. I really can’t be more silent. Stijn looks with me, you know.”
Stijn: “A pregnant woman, it is me: do this, do that. Nuria can sometimes be a never! ” (laughs). She asks, sometimes things that they are best even for themselves.”
Nuria: “I’m constantly sick, so I am very irritable and am currently very few endure. But, I realize that too, and then I burst into tears and I apologize, because that deserves Stijn. Oh, those pregnancy hormones sure…”

do you Have a slight preference in terms of gender?

Nuria: “I wouldn’t mind to see again a son, the bond between mother and son is very special.”
Stijn: “A daughter would be nice, of every one, hey. But I will be a boy, of course, just like to see it. Last time we also be surprised by the gender, but I don’t know if I now as long as you can wait.”

Two small children in the house, that is spicy.

Nuria: “It’s never the right time for a child. Prefer to short on each other, so we are soon out of diapers. And now the kids a lot to each other. Together mischief lash out at each other in bed early and secrets to tell…”


You sit even in the middle of renovations. Is everything in that area under control?

Stijn: “No, it is a ten-year, I fear. First, let the electricity to tackle, and only later the kitchen, bathroom and additional children’s room. We have five bedrooms, but we do not all fill with children (laughs) .”
Nuria: “The youngest will be the first six months with us in the room to sleep. Then sleep the two children for a while together in one room. Thus, we can the renovations on the second floor postpone.”

The hassles of relocation is for many couples a relatietest.

Nuria: “We have sometimes called to each other, yes, in the heat of the battle (laughs) . But we do not have more discussions than otherwise.”
Stijn: “We have long searched for a house that we both suited to be found, but we are now very happy with our purchase. Because our new house is bigger than the previous one, we have even more kuiswerk. Our garage and basement are still full of onuitgepakte boxes, even though we are already in december moved…”
Nuria: “It’s a totally different house than we had in mind. No sleek in design, but a classic house that we have yet to renovate. I feel I’m still not at home. In the worst case, we move again, but I hope for the best (laughs) .”

do you Have sometimes the feeling that your life is going too fast?

Stijn: “Everything is indeed fast, but it still feels good. We have a flying start and we still live at a high tempo. Nuria said in Blind Married they dreamed of a quiet family life. A family has them, but quiet, you can’t call it. Our life is anything but boring!”
Nuria: “you Know, Stijn and I were never madly in love with each other. But I would think of no other partner could imagine. Stijn is for me the best man. This is true love.”

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