the Fighting between India and Pakistan continues in the disputed territory, Kashmir.

Only today, Saturday, has at least seven persons lost their lives. It informs the authorities on both sides of the border, according to Aljazeera.

Among the killed are two children and their mother. The three lost their lives when the pakistani soldiers sent mortars over the border to the part of Kashmir that India controls.

the Grenades hit the family’s house. The danger is hospitalized with severe injuries at the hospital.

Also on the other side of the border, in the part of Kashmir that Pakistan controls, civilians lost their lives.

Here was a man and a boy were killed when indian soldiers sent mortars over the border.

The indian shelling has further injured a pakistani man.

in Addition, two pakistani soldiers lost their lives, according to a press release, that the pakistani army has issued.

it is according to Aljazeera, that the soldiers opened fire on indian soldiers who were in the process of firing on the civilian population.

the Fighting across the border continued just a few hours after the pakistani authorities Friday released the downed indian pilot, Abhinandan Varthaman.

the Release was, according to the pakistani prime minister Imran Khan ‘a fredsgestus’.

The indian pilot and his MiG-21 aircraft was shot down Wednesday, as the two nuclear powers went up against each other in an aerial battle over Kashmir.

the Pakistanis claimed to have shot one more indian fighter jet down. It denied the indians, who maintained that they had only lost one aircraft. An indian helicopter crashed down on the indian side of the border.

the Indians claimed that they had shot a pakistani aircraft down.

Luftkampen began when pakistani aircraft allegedly violated the indian airspace by flying over the part of Kashmir that India controls.

the Day before, on Tuesday, violated indian aircraft in pakistan airspace when they carried out an attack against a militant group, which India believes is behind the murders of 40 indian soldiers.

India and Pakistan since both countries ‘ independence from Britain in 1947, demanded full control over Kashmir. The border between the two countries in the region is not a regular border but a ceasefire line, which each country must stay behind.

over the years, Pakistan and India fought three wars over the region.