US President Donald Trump has been in the case of the North Korean prison deceased student Otto warm beer behind leader Kim Jong Un and thus indignant reactions in the United States triggered. Trump said on Thursday after the end of the summit meeting in Hanoi that he had spoken with Kim about the allegedly severely tortured students. Kim “tells me that he knew nothing about it, and I take him at his word”.

Kim was aware of the case while “very good, but only later find out about it,” said Trump. In a North Korean prison some very bad things were happening, “” with warm beer.

Severe food poisoning

The Student had been sentenced during a North Korea trip in early 2016 due to the alleged theft of a Propaganda-Posters-to-15 years in a labour camp. He fell under unexplained circumstances, in a coma, and was eventually released. In June 2017 he died a few days after his return transportation to the USA.

A US court last December to the conclusion that the 22-Year-old was tortured in North Korea. Pyongyang has denied any ill-treatment Warmbiers and explained that the Student had contracted a serious food poisoning.

cross-Party outrage

That Trump seems to give now Kim’s information Believe, made in the USA with cross-party support for the outraged reactions. “Of course, Kim knew,” wrote the influential democratic Senator Mark Warner in the short message service Twitter. “Apparently, the President of the United States is the Only one who believes this obvious lie.”

The democratic Deputy Adam Schiff, described trump’s Comments as “abhorrent”. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen warned that the U.S. is not likely to issue “Kim Jong-Un a blank check to torture one of our own and to murder”. Democratic Senator Tim Kaine accused Trump to stand by the side of the “dictators” instead of U.S. citizens.

Also the minority leader of Trumps Republicans in the house of representatives, Kevin McCarthy, criticized the U.S. President. “I see North Korea’s leader, not as someone who is a friend. We all know what happened with Otto, we know what it has done to this country.”

“More productive conversations”

The summit had been canceled on Thursday without result, the meeting of Trump and Kim in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. Apparently, there was no agreement on the question of sanctions against North Korea and nuclear disarmament, even if both sides made contradictory statements.

The state-run North Korean news Agency KCNA wrote on Friday, Trump and Kim would have agreed, “lead to more productive conversations to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the improvement of relations between the United States and North Korea”. (Dec/sda)

Created: 01.03.2019, 09:48 PM