Music The often praised rendition of the song Shallow by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper from the film ‘A Star Is Born’ during the presentation of the Oscars Sunday night, has ensured that the number considerably in popularity has increased. The numbers of platforms as Spotify, iTunes and YouTube shows that the song a lot more is clicked then for the Oscaruitreiking.

Worldwide, it was Shallow on the day after the Oscars 5.3 million times streamed via Spotify. That is more than twice as many as Sunday. On YouTube include the two official clips for days to the most viewed music videos. In the past 24 hours, they were together for more than 11 million clicks. In the global iTunes list is Shallow at the top, followed by Lady Gaga’s ‘Always Remember Us This Way”, also from the movie ‘A Star Is Born’.

The intimate act of Lady Gaga, and Bradley Cooper was on Sunday night on social media and in the audience euphorically received. The song was later awarded an Oscar for best filmnummer.