Rarely before a guilty verdict from the far Australia has generated a loud echo on this side of the planet. The condemnation of the Curia, cardinal George Pell rocked the Vatican with a vengeance and plunges him only two days after the end of the international abuse summit in a big Dilemma. Pell has been found by a jury in the home for guilty in 1996 to two choir boys, then 12 and 13 years old to have sexually passed. In the sacristy of the Cathedral of Melbourne, after the service.

He is the highest Catholic Church man who was convicted for abuse. Under Benedict XVI, Pell was seen as a “Ratzingerianer”, under Francis as “Bergoglianer”. The cardinal’s consecration he received from their predecessors, John Paul II, There was a time when the Australian was seen as “papabile”, as a possible Pope, although there had been long dark rumors and complaints about him.

The court made a ruling in December that unanimously. However, there was at that time still open as to whether the Prosecutor would Pell do in other cases, the process imposed a ban on the Australian judiciary a preliminary Report. This is so common, that the jury in the new trial, not judgment in another proceeding to affect. The Embargo was soon broken. And so the Vatican announced on March 12. December known that Pell can’t hear the Kardinalsrat, the K9, as Francis called his reform panel. “For reasons of age,” it was said in the Bulletin, were excreted three members. The age was a pretext, not only in the case of the Australian. Pell is 77.

“A painful message. We are very aware of the fact that it has shocked many people in Australia.”The spokesman of the Vatican
on Leave to George Pells condemnation

him to the Pope in June 2017, as he was accused. Pell said at the time, he wanted to wash his “name”, renounced his diplomatic immunity and turned to a secular court, which had not done before him many prelates. The year before, as the Royal Commission, which had approved the processing of sexual abuse cases, wanted to Pell interrogations, he refused to travel to Australia. He led the development of high blood pressure and heart problems, a doctor advised against the long flight. The survey took place, via Skype: Pell was sitting in a Roman Hotel.

The Pope left him in the office, he put it only on the ice – probably in the hope, Pell come back soon home with clean-washed name. Condemnation changes nothing. The Vatican has confirmed the Status of Pells on Tuesday officially. The cardinal remains in office, but suspended. He is allowed to celebrate neither to the public nor with Minors in contact until there was “definitive facts”. “This is a painful message,” said a spokesman for the Vatican. “We are very aware of the fact that it has shocked many people in Australia.” But Pell will reassure, as before, his innocence and have a right to defend themselves to the last instance.

suspected, since the ‘ 70s

Pells personnel, a particularly weighty. He is the chief of the Secretariat for the economy, responsible for all financial activities of the Vatican, including the IOR, the fabled Vatican Bank. If you wanted to compare the organizational chart of the Vatican a secular state, look at it this way: at the Very top, the Pope is an absolute Monarch; including Pietro Parolin, the “Secretary of state of His Holiness”, something like Prime – and foreign Minister in personal Union; however, including George Pell, the super-Minister for economy and Finance, ranked. That’s why they call him the “number three” of the Vatican.

The creation of the Secretariat for the economy is today one of the most revolutionary acts in the previous pontificate of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. They brought him to the beginning of his term in office, a lot of praise. It was said that Francis cap finally old cliques in the evil beleumdeten Roman Curia. Pell seemed to be the ideal person, physically. In youth he had played in Australian Football, a tougher variant of Rugby. Because of its imposing size and the no less conspicuous Ego they called him “Big George”. Always pithy in the appearance, also polemically. The Anpacker would not be afraid to break the old System, if necessary, to the bone, you could read at that time. Makes intrigue? He would soak up a locker with his rustic art.

But then in the past. Suspected it was from his time as a priest in Ballarat, his home town in the state of Victoria, in the seventies. He should at that time have kids in the pool, sexually harassed. His case raises the question of how Pell’s career could make of Peter in the Church until hard to the leg of the chair. Or as Theodore McCarrick, formerly the Archbishop of Washington, a serial Abuser who was just transferred a week ago to the lay state. What goes wrong in the personnel policy of the Vatican? The Church fell into disrepair, so far, their self-lie that basically everything is going to be so bad that the media were the scandals build up, that there is, finally, everywhere in the society abuses? Or Francis was simply too trusting?

Blank confession

in addition to Pell, the Pope dismissed in December, the Chilean cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa from the K9. Although already 85 years old. But he probably has not been sorted out. In his home Errázuriz is accused of, he had for many years covered offender from the entrusted to the clergy and the prosecutors deliberately misled. He was wrong about the Pope?

As Francis in the past year, Chile, visited troubled the believers in order that he defended with harsh words, a Bishop who is accused of abuse cases covered up. Later, he apologized. He had been informed deficient. The appropriate direction would have been the task of the cardinal.

The incident in Chile weighed heavily on the credibility of the Pope. The world wondered if Francis fight it is actually serious with his confession, the shame of the abuse of Power. The child protection conference was an attempt to give a commitment to this emphasis and to make it concrete. It remained with the attempt.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 26.02.2019, 23:18 PM