“Newborn friendship to the test when the Trump meets Kim”

“nuclear Disarmament on the Korean peninsula is an american priority, but Trump’s toned down rhetoric has led some to instead hope for a peace agreement between South and north Korea.”

“north Korean, u.s. and vietnamese flags adorn the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. Both president Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un has arrived, and will meet on Wednesday night, local time, at lunch, Swedish time.”

“For the north Korean dictator, who traveled by train to Vietnam, means meeting his longest state visit since he took over power from his father in 2011. Has Kim Jong-Un, including his sister, Kim Yo-Jong.”

“Disarmament a priority.”

“The two heads of state, whose historic first meeting took place in front of blaring cameras in Singapore in June last year, is expected to discuss north korea’s nuclear weapons, sanctions and peace on the Korean peninsula. The talks takes place against the background of the agreement that both leaders were in Singapore, in which the Dprk, inter alia, undertook to begin a nuclear disarmament. But the document was generally written and contained neither the specific details or timelines.”

“the Agreement reached has meant little in practice, and no decisive step towards disarmament have either been taken by north Korea since then. The country has not carried out any nuclear tests since 2017, but experts have warned that north Korea does not appear to have any plans at all to dismantle their extensive nuclear arsenal.”

“the Lack of results has been a group of senators in the USA to dissuade president of the Trump from entering into yet another agreement with north Korea is not believed to have any real effect.”

“Myself have Donald Trump in recent times eased the pressure on north Korea to start a atomavrustning, and said Sunday that he”

“Peace agreement more likely.”

“much hope is put in place that the meeting inspires a peace treaty between South and north Korea, or at least an official recognition that the war is now over. The two countries are in a truce since the end of the Korean war in 1953, which, over three years claimed several million lives. Since then, no formal peace treaty is concluded.”

“But now such an agreement”

“– It is impossible to know how such an agreement will look like, but I believe that the united states and north Korea can come to an agreement, said the spokesperson in Monday.”

“To bring about a peace agreement has long been a priority for the isolated north Korea, which is hoping that it can normalize the country in the international context and, by extension, lift the comprehensive sanctions.”

“For US the question is more complicated. The country has a military presence in south Korea, which is partly motivated by the tensions on the Korean peninsula.”

“A peace treaty would lead to the american soldiers’ presence is questioned, according to Koh Yu-Hwan, professor of north Korean studies at Dongguk university in Seoul, republic of Korea.”

“– the united states is afraid of abrupt changes in the regional order will affect their own interests, which would not be good given that China is flexing its muscles, ” said Koh Yu-Hwan to the AFP news agency earlier in February.”

“in the Spring of 2018 thawed the relationship between the dictatorship of north Korea and the outside world, among others, after north korea’s participation in the winter OLYMPICS in the south Korean Pyeongchang.”

“On 27 april of the same year, met the leaders of the two Korean nations on the border between North and South and agreed to work towards a peace treaty and nuclear disarmament on the Korean peninsula.”

“Korea has through the centuries been hard-pressed on the basis of, than that of Japan than of China. At the turn of the century 1900 put Japan over Korea and in 1910 annexed the peninsula.”

“the Occupation ended with Japan’s defeat in the second world war in 1945. Korea was liberated by soviet and american troops that took the opposite part of the country. The idea was that Korea would be reunited, but North and South could not agree. The responsibility was transferred to the UN, but where was the discussions also fruitless. Instead was proclaimed in 1948 two brand new states: south korea and north Korea.”

“With the support from China and the Soviet union invaded north Korea in 1950, the neighbor to the south. The UN security council voted shortly thereafter to send the squad to south Korea’s defense. 16 countries lined up and were led, unofficially, by the united states.”

“the Korean war came to rage between 1950 and 1953, and also to involve China. Eventually ended up in a stalemate and in 1953, an agreement was reached on the ceasefire. No permanent peace treaty has been signed, but between the two Korean states there is a demilitarised zone.”

“the War is believed to have claimed upwards of five million deaths, almost 37 000 of them americans. After this period, the Korean peninsula has been divided between the Sovjetallierade north Korea and the US-backed south Korea. Then Sovjetimperiet weathered broken, and the aid from Moscow stopped, the Dprk has leaned towards China.”

“The communist north Korea was founded with soviet help in 1948, then Korea split into an american and a soviet ockupationszon after the second world war. A civil war between the North and the South raged 1950-53. The countries have never made peace, but ceasefire is still in.”

“The official ideology in north Korea extols”

“the Arbitrary arrests of critics of the regime, lack of the rule of law, and torture and ill-treatment of prisoners in the country’s prisons and detention centres is extensive. The data also shows that the country practises public executions for crimes like the theft of state property and the hoarding of food, as well as for serious crimes. According to human rights organization Amnesty International and the people that fled north Korea during the 2000s, there are large labour camps for dissidents.”

“north Korea is a nuclear state and a militarized society that puts major resources on its defense. According to the UN resolutions, the country must not fire the ballistic missiles or carry out nuclear tests. Repeated violations of these resolutions has led to the country been subjected to extensive sanctions from the outside world.”

“Sources: Landguiden, NE with multiple”