This Wednesday, would the british parliament have added the last, but certainly not the last, crucial vote on the Brexit. The vote would not have changed one iota. It doesn’t have any of the previously made.

But this weekend provided the prime minister Theresa May further spelregel. Instead of a crucial vote to postpone a real decision, she decided to postpone the crucial vote to postpone the decision.

British politics is becoming increasingly more numb for each week that the Brexit-the moment is approaching. There are always cunning plans – the latest is about to vote for Theresa Mays proposals under the condition that it is faced with a second referendum – but they stifled always.

been able to explain this paralysis in more detail: one had been able to show how the prime minister’s rigid persistence in combination with oppositionsledarens skygglappade trotsighet made any compromise almost impossible. They had been able to show how both parties ended up in the clutches of extremist and literally reactionary circles: the Labour party is led by men who want to take us back to the 1980s, while the member of parliament Jacob Rees-Moggs faction of the conservative party rather prefer the 1880s.

the Man had failed to show how 30 years of lies about Europe in the british media, led to David Cameron’s catastrophic decision on a referendum. They had been able to show how Theresa Mays even more disastrous decision if one choice has made her dependent on the extremists ‘ voices. They had been able to discuss the extraordinary incompetence of the Brexitörer set to attend the negotiations, and the desperation of each and every diplomat or government official who had been forced to have to do with them.

But when you sum up all the lies and mistakes and all the incompetence, so they are still not sufficient to explain how we ended up here.

Then the last of the Empire disappeared in the 1950s, britain has found itself in a strange stage of förpuppning and internal fermentation

can commit mistakes or even have a bit of bad luck. It gets them to continue to operate is the ability to recover from mistakes and it is precisely this ability that the uk government has lost. It suffers from deep internal confusion that can not be cured, whether you leave or stay in the EU.

During the four hundred years of the reign of queen elizabeth I and queen Elisabeth II, knew England what it had in the world to do. It had a profession. Like the Very hungry caterpillar in the children’s books wandered England around in the world, and chew on everything it could find. It to Ireland, then Scotland, then the Caribbean, then a large part of north America (despite some digestive problems in the 1770’s), India, Burma, Australia, New Zealand, about a quarter of the african continent… the list could be longer.

And so, like the Very hungry caterpillar, ended eat. Then the last of the Empire disappeared in the 1950s, britain has found itself in a strange stage of förpuppning and internal fermentation. There have not really noticed anything of the world outside. One can see this in the shock and the anger of those who want to leave, when they realize that not even a revoked membership of the EU does that they don’t have to have with the aliens to make. They refuse. They can’t. The requirements of a ”no deal” Brexit is usually only about a oartikulerat bellow for to get the world to go his way, and stop asking the requirement to be considered.

any other insect, förpuppas so changing it completely. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly, a nymph who lived in water all his life turn into an airborne passing fancy; to the and with a benlös, helpless skalbaggslarv becomes an armored, rushing cockroach. The process is quite disgusting close up. The whole of the old body must be broken down and then built up to something completely new.

And the british political system is similar to the right now the repulsive and formless gel inside a pupa that eats itself. The nation may not work politically because it destroys itself in a process it does not understand. No one knows what new kind of creature that will occur. It might be a butterfly, which brexitörerna promise, but it might as well be a cockroach.

The only thing that is certain is that we will still blame our problems on foreigners,

the Emergence of The independent group, made up of dissident members of parliament from the Labour party and the conservatives, is a part of this process. They have no future and are not in agreement about so much more than taking away from Brexit, but they all understand that they can’t cling to the past. The two-party system that has worked in one form or another since around 1700 is breaking down and we can’t be sure that it can ever be repaired.

Read more: labour leader Jeremy Corbyn opens the door for new referendum

another, I know what will happen this week. Than less I have a clue about what the next month brings. A guess is that both parties will explode during the Mays and Corbins insanely rigid leadership. But the time for degradation is almost over. If not the old system fragments in any way can be reproduced to a high-impact full prior to the 31 may, we will never accomplish the transformation.

Like an insect that is not managed with förpuppningen, we can only helplessly wait for the predators as glufsar in itself the remainder of our economy and are buying our politicians. The only thing that is certain is that we will still blame our problems on foreigners.

and with the life that dyngbagge feels more alluring than it.

He wrote recently about the Brexit in DN 12 december 2018.