”They do not fit in Sweden.”

So said the SD leader Jimmie Åkesson in the final partiledardebatten in Swedish Television before the election in the fall. When your values are such that you believe that it is human osvenska roots which allows them to more easily become criminals or rapists – then your values are racist, but unfortunately you are not alone. Racism exists in many places and germinate behind similar statements.

It is the isolation which fuels crime, not where you were born or where your parents come. It is poverty and alienation, we must fight. Our focus must be a good inclusion, which provides good opportunities for all immigrants to learn English, further education, get work and get a secure existence in this process.

help to pay attention to these prejudices and not mjäka in the invandrarfientliga time we live in. We need to respond to comments that stem from racism, as many deny that the spread and take the battle against the naive belief that our problem resolves itself if immigration is stopped.

It is quite the opposite. Immigration is today on a favourable level for Sweden. The problems we had and felt in november 2015 with 10,000 asylum seekers per week are no longer. Today it is about 10 000 asylum seekers per semester, which is the lowest level since the year 2005.

We need to tell our invandrarfientliga friends how important immigration is and has been for the country’s development, about how we received valuable labour and the socio-economic dynamics of the given with the additional tax revenues we have received, and may in the longer term.

would reduce if we only relied on our own motherhood with the tillväxtminskning and the problems it would bring.

Let us stand up for our ursvenska tradition of the asylum seekers, for compassion and for a sustained overall rating.