The Left-Chairwoman Katja Kipping called on their party to position itself in the question between foreclosure or solidarity clearly. At the start of the Europe party Congress in Bonn, Kipping said: “for The purposes of this uniqueness, I also said: Europe is a continent of immigration.” The “right to global movement and emigration, freedom to” be “a high Well”, human rights are indivisible.

Indirectly reflected Kipping spoke to the group Chairman Sahra wagenknecht, who had always expressed reservations against a refugee-friendly policy and therefore also Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) criticized.

From the Community

It’s not wrong when you stated the fact that Europe is a continent of Immigration. And you can – and must hold the Flag for the right of asylum. […] But it is only half the story. It is only half a policy. Completely it is only when the causes of Flight in the eye.

…writes user 2010ff

Wagenknecht is suffering from the disease as the best known politician of the Left for several weeks. It takes part, therefore, does not participate in the party Congress in Bonn, Germany. The Congress gave her wishes for a speedy recovery. The parliamentary group had called off a counter you due to the Controversies surrounding the refugee policy planned uprising at the beginning of January.

Kipping told the delegates in Bonn: “While Trump, Salvini, Orban and types, such as Seehofer forging an International the wall-builders, we rely on international solidarity.” This is for the left party, “a lesson from the historical experience of state socialism, who believed, with walls and barbed wire to survive”.

daily mirror tomorrow location


in order to work In another EU, is explained the greater Declaration of love for Europe than by allowing the EU to stay as it is, the party Chairman. “Because of the current state of play of the Rights and the market into the hands of radicals.” Explicitly, the Left is to criticize but not a break-up of the community: “If we are the concrete EU policy, then, never with the objective that it goes back to ” side by side ” of nation-States.”

Demirel and Schirdewan as a top candidate

set On your party, the Left-delegates want to decide until Sunday the program for the European elections end of may and the list for the election. As a top candidate, the Ex-NRW-party boss, Özlem Demirel, and to the members of the European Parliament Martin Schirdewan. Against nominations for the two top slots are not expected.

In the program design occurs on the Left for a “reboot” of the EU, in the not “the freedom of the market” in the first place should stand. In the vote Controversy is to be expected.

An EU-critical Passage in the election program design had already been last weekend, from the Left party Executive Board with a clear majority defused. Originally a EU reboot was demanded “a complete Revision of those contractual basis, the militaristic, undemocratic and neoliberal”. In the Passage, the delegates in Bonn, it means only that it should be revised “all of the contractual basis, to undertake the rearmament and military interventions are oriented, the requirements of democratic design, and the neo-liberal policies such as privatisation, cuts in social services or liberalisation of the market dictate”.

Gysi for clear pro-European positioning

even before the start of the Europe-party tags on the Left had demanded several prominent Left politicians a clear pro-European positioning of your party, including your former group Chairman and today’s Europe chief, Gregor Gysi. He hoped that this view, in Bonn, by set, said Gysi in Germany radio. The European Integration was important for peace. If the EU is going broke, threatened to return the war back to Europe. The Left must take a clear stand against the Right, called on Gysi.

The Berlin-based, Left party Deputy Stefan Liebich said the “süddeutsche Zeitung”: “I want us to make hope and not fear. It is already spread too much fear – fear of foreigners, fear of Trump, afraid of Putin, afraid of Brussels. We believe that a European Republic in the regions is a good idea. It is very important to be positive the visions.”

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in Front of the Left-Europe Congress “In the European elections, a further shift to the right”

Matthias Meisner

The designated top candidate Schirdewan threatens stressed in an Interview with the daily mirror, a legitimate criticism of the EU should be possible: “We do, for example, when it comes to the democratic deficit at the European level, the influence of lobbying.” The criticism of the Left in the EU differs however fundamentally from that expressed by the right-hand side.