“Grow – Tips for your cultivation”

“Time to prune the roses – sekatören”

“Bosse Rappne shows how to do”

“There spring in the garden.nDags to prune the roses.n– For every garden should have at least one rose, like a gardener Bosse Rappne and guides us further in the vårträdgården.”

“When björklöven has started to crack out and the risk of hefty nattfrost is gone, rosenbusken pruned. Except for the old-fashioned buskrosor that are pruned already in late winter.”

“Roses freezes in winter, the branches die, which can also be seen quite clearly,” says market gardener Bradley, Rappne at Ulriksdal castle Gardens and the fingers of a clear brown twig on the rosenbusken. Cut it with sekatören.”

“– you Cut down earlier, already in the autumn, the risk rose to freezing because the a shorter plant has less force against the cold.”

“always Use a really sharp tool, a pruner, or grensax. A dull tool mashes the crotch which can lead to rot. And for the same reason you make a wrong cut so the water can drain off.”

” And just for the roses is a special kind of pruning shears which facilitates the handling of the sharp thorns, says Bosse Rappne.”

“There are many different kind of roses. But for the sake of simplicity we can divide them into three groups, old-fashioned, modern, and wild rose. “

“– Vildrosen not only grows freely in the countryside, but also often acts as rootstock to other rossorter we buy. It means that you grow the wild rose which you then cut down, and the grafts on eyes and shots of the rossorten as you want. Then rosen hardier against the cold, ” says Bosse Rappne.”

“And for a handy hint about how the roses are to be managed and the best be cropped, split the roses into three basic growth habits: Buskrosor, climbing roses and rabattrosor – see box.”

“Worth noting in this context is also the rose placement. To flower well, most roses have at least six hours of sun per day. “

“When the birch trees got musöron and the risk of hard nattfrost less pruned roses. Use pruning shears and grensax.”

“Rabattrosor: Save the three branches and remove all of the ramifications. The rest is cut right down to the surface of the earth at a foot height. Saved the branches are cut above an outward-looking eye so that at least three eyes left – 3:3.”

“Modern buskrosor: Good rule of thumb to save five strong branches. Spar about two-thirds of the grenlängden. Remove all dead branches and branches and cut them above an outward-looking eye of the five eyes (buds) up – the so called 5:5-cutting.”

“climbing roses: remove old, weak or crossing branches and misdirected shots down to a junction or at the surface. Keep in mind that the eye will be directed out from the diagram centre. Short possibly fjolårsskott. “

“ground cover roses: Cut away branches that are dead or that have become too wordy in shape.”

“Source: Crop a lot of fruit trees and berry Bushes (Semics publishing house, 2017). Handbook of pruning, (Semics publishers, 2015) of the Pia Lundgren and Susanna Rosén.”