the Debaters writes that ”A rational religious belief gives science a firm foundation”. In the title emphasizes the ”rational religious belief”. But what is the difference between a common religious faith from a rational faith?

All cultures have in some sense been inspired by the stories in which the belief in something supernatural – spirits, gods, spirits, cosmic forces – is central. Through the media – the prophets, caliphs, mullahs, popes, cardinals, bishops, rabbis, shamans, nåjder and oracle – have the message communicated to the people.

Thus, the non rational. Among the obsolete, pagan religions included urfolkens religions, the egyptian pantheon and the Greek, roman and nordic mythology.

today, there are not many religious who worship the gods as Zeus and Jupiter. Most of the religious do not believe that these gods really existed in reality, but that all now-extinct gods was once born in the human brains, and that they also died there. That, in practice, was fantasifoster.

What today distinguishes the religious brain from the secular is that the secular brain does not find any difference between the various gods, regardless of where, when or how they behaved in the story. Our time and the gods is, according to this view created in the human brain according to the same principles as yesterday’s gods.

The religious brain, however, have believed or believe in the supernatural undergångsscenarier that the norse story of Ragnarok, or the bible of Armageddon, the final battle between God, the good omnipotent, and Satan, the evil one.

the Man’s thoughts on life’s big issues has not only led to the emergence of religions. Philosophies, ideologies, vishetsläror and philosophical theories are other interpretations that our brain laborerar with in order to find a meaning in life. The difference is that religious interpretations require higher powers in different ways, dictates and controls what will happen on the earth – something that is not included in the secular system of thought.

Even if the science will gradually be able to provide answers to many of today unresolved issues regarding belief in the supernatural worlds, will scientists never be able to prove that there has been or there is a supernatural world beyond the human brain. Should the hypothesis prove to be false, we are confronted with a spectacular scenario, with unexpected consequences for humanity and not least for the scientific community.