Kortrijk, The hotel school (RHIZO) linked Monday afternoon, a klimaatmars by Kortrijk to a zwerfvuilactie. No signs, but the clean up of rubbish along the streets. “To the criticism to counter that it is only to truancy turns and we don’t actually want to do,” says spokesman Lucas Van Asch (16). Also, the campus College of the Saint-Paulusschool in Waregem takes a different approach. There, they work a whole week around the climate, to the level of commitment.

There went since the start of 2019 two klimaatmarsen by Kortrijk, last week Thursday, also with eye-catching signs and loudly calling. Even pre-school children are ‘used’ to the climate issue. One hundred students of the hotel school (RHIZO), took Monday completely different. Ten classes combined a klimaatmars, in staggered order, with a zwerfvuilactie. And found a lot of waste, especially with – again – masses of cans, plastic and cigarette butts. Co-initiator was the pupil of Lucas Van Asch (16) from Poperinge: “I attended all three klimaatmarsen in Brussels, twice on Sunday and once on Thursday. It is the young people there, not for the skipping school to do so. To that unjust criticism even more to counter, we took this action now in Kortrijk. Because as we do more. And it was needed. Such was the environment of the Saint-church of saint elisabeth there is very dirty. The red thread: we want a future for our children. If the earth were 2 degrees of warming, sea levels will rise half a meter, are 600,000 people worldwide are homeless and feel also Belgium and own region”, says Lucas, who, during his concluding speech at the courtyard of the town hall support of Vincent Van Quickenborne (Team Mayor): “do not be discouraged by cynical politicians (mayor Jean-Marie Dedecker of Middelkerke, ed.), but lift up your voice, come for the climate and do something yourself. It is the beginning of a movement, not the end. There moving really slightly. Another example is that of Kortrijk for free!! (an initiative in which citizens are every third Sunday of the month a neighborhood clean up, red.).”

“It was necessary. Such was the environment of the Saint-church of saint elisabeth there is very dirty.

Lucas Van Asch