to Check and, where appropriate, the consequences to German Unis is by no means a matter of course. At least the FU Berlin, studied the doctoral thesis of Franziska Giffey, after plagiarism hunters have discovered, in several dozen cases, not correct citations. The FU has examined the thesis of the Berlin CDU politician Frank Steffel, and recognized him as the doctor because of illusions.

But not a majority of the departments according to the Clues, even if these seem overwhelming if it is not theses of prominent politicians. Or the PhD is just given a “reprimand”. At the TU Berlin Department allowed to correct a Doctor, incorrect quotes and the work to be submitted.

science is not to make esoteric

the commissions Shy away from the workload? They are ashamed to have the fraud is not detected in a timely manner? You don’t want to upset the doctor parents, so they are still in the Department, with embarrassing investigations? Or you don’t think, in a year, nationwide, about 25 000 promotions it is exactly?

That would be devastating. Dissertations a piece of science. The essence of science is that in the search for knowledge, methodological Standards have to be followed. Thus, results can be discussed, it needs to be seen at any time, how it came to the statements and who speaks. Scientists explain to trivia fallacies in a thesis, do the science to esotericism.

Questionable it is that Federal Minister of defence Ursula von der Leyen has spoken three years ago by the Medical University of Hannover, from the plagiarism allegation with the Argument-free, the affected areas would have been mainly in the introduction. As the Standards in discharges from dissertations would be considered less than in your home.

it was Scandalous, as dozens of well-known professors in plagiarism case Schavan tried, the enlightenment, committed to University of Düsseldorf intimidate. Schavans wire to the Chancellor appeared to be far more important than your breach of the core values.

More about

plagiarism in dissertations Guttenberg, Schavan and Steffel PhD review

Claudia salts

of Course, had to the problems of science do not exhaust themselves in plagiierten dissertations. Of large fake scandals and the fact that mass trials are published, which are not replicable, the lead in repetition of the reported results bear witness to the world. However, as the science is to be trusted on these difficult areas of progress, when many professors do not want to tackle simple plagiarism cases?