In German you don’t often see “the forest for the trees”, but on Annegret Kramp cart Builder “Workshop on” refugee policy in the Anglo-fits-Saxon variant is better: the elephant in the room, so large that you will miss him. On Sunday evening all lurk, whether or not the new CDU leader distancing itself from its predecessor, Angela Merkel. In the distance lies open before the eyes of all. That in the middle of the party headquarters about the mistakes, failures, and illusions since the autumn of 2015 will be debated – is unthinkable to Merkel’s times. Not some half-sentence, the Format of the settling movement.

Secretary-General Paul Ziemiak announced so early on Monday morning in a Video, you want to tackle open-ended questions “without ideological blinders”. The let Sunday’s opening round, but have yet to claim. Three professors and the intellectual father of the EU-Turkey Treaty, Gerhard Knaus, had been invited by Kramp-karrenbauer on the Podium.

After two hours, the Munich district administrator Christoph Göbel (CSU) summarized annoyed: “The discussion had something almost Nihilistic.” Thus, the Frankfurt political scientist Egbert Jahn declared the fight against causes of Flight for the hopeless and deterrence strategies fantasizes get “nothing to eat” – was helped to the practitioner as little as with the clause the interpretation of the Bonn state, the lawyer, Christian Hillgruber, you could save the whole Integration, because as of Right the majority of refugees not even here are likely to remain.

theorists is to make no policy

If Kramp-Karrenbauer wanted to prove that to do with theorists, not a policy – it would be managed. On Monday, the day the practitioner, from the country’s interior Minister follows up to the municipal Council, from the police to the volunteers. In four working groups to advise you in the Konrad-Adenauer-house about the biggest problems – the EU’s external border protection and to the Integration of place – and about proposals for solution. The Format of a lot of praise. “The views of the practice always helps,” says the Prime Minister of Hesse Volker Bouffier in the lunch break. “Very constructive,” Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), the Meeting with the sister-party, beneficial to the long-running dispute of the CDU-interior politicians Armin Schuster.

in the afternoon, the working group leaders present the results. Follow the Schema that was created in the guest list. The really big issues – from the refugee distribution in Europe started – excluded; therefore, must take care of the politics. The experts look more to Small-scale, that is not in your area of responsibility and place less important. Revolutionary ideas do not come out. The border police, Frontex, to strengthen, by 2020, 10000 civil servants increase, and not only by 2025, “the transparency of data for all authorities” and an entry and exit register; more Competencies for the Minister of the interior and the Federal police to the “location-adjusted and can be flexible” along the German border control – it has all the stuff you have and similar.

the tightening of deportation procedures and in dealing with offenders, the CSU-man Herrmann and CDU Vice Thomas Strobl imagine, are not a Surprise: the deportation custody, offender statements, and to the return to prevent as already once Deported, a short Aslyprozess for people who lie in the process or not participate. Only that the working group Integration comes under the Federal officer Annette Widmann-Mauz to the conclusion, for well-integrated refugees, naturalisation should be possible here and there makes for raised eyebrows.

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“shop talk” CDU no shards of court is needed “” over Merkel’s refugee policy

Robert pear

Kramp-karrenbauer, for completion of three of their own accents: An “early warning system” for escape movements. The asylum-the basic law must remain. But to get it for the people who really needed protection, needed to be just as clear: “We are not a rule of law that can dance on the nose.” As the former Minister of the interior by means of sounds. About Merkel’s 2015 not a bad word, on the contrary, understanding. Many at the time had been surprised by much out of the Situation decided. This should not only happen again. “We have learned our lesson,” said the CDU Chief. “But we are not yet at the end.”