last autumn revealed VG that Tolga municipality in Hedmark, and over several years held the three brothers from the village during the so called tutorship without asking for permission. By diagnosing them as mentally retarded, as well as underestimate their ability to consent vergemålet, lost brothers including the right to control its own economy.

As comprehensive and maktkritisk journalism thrown light on the matter, defeating the rationale for the municipality and the county governor’s treatment of the brothers cracks. Two of the brothers do not have a diagnosis of mental retardation. In the several years they were deprived of self-determination and autonomy, and thus the ability to live the life that they wanted.

prime Minister Erna Solberg was quickly out with an unreserved apology. The Norwegian authorities had committed iniquity, for several of its residents.

Kommunalministeren, health and omsorgsministeren and the attorney general launched an independent investigation of the case. Not only for the brethren Holøyen, but for the over sixty thousand people who are put under the tutorship in Norway. It is not inconceivable that similar errors are committed in several places in the country.

Monday was investigation from Helsetilsynet, the Government sivilrettsforvaltning and the County of Vestland announced. It was devastating reading for Tolga municipality and the County governor in Hedmark.

the Report states that no one was talking with the brothers before they were put under the tutorship. It happened against their will. The brothers were considered collectively and collectively rather than individually. It was the lack of communication and interaction between the involved agencies, which led to early failure in the diagnosis was left standing for years. Overall, the municipality received seven million it should not have had.

Centre party mayor in the municipality, Ragnhild Aashaug, acknowledge, to some extent, the municipality’s guilt in the matter. During the press conference on Monday she said that it is “important to say sorry about [the brothers] feel the municipality has not understood what they want, and if they feel improperly treated by the municipality.” She said she understands them if they have “felt badly treated”, or “felt desperate and frustrated.”

Both vg’s revelations and the very serious findings in the recent government investigation shows that the brothers reaction to the treatment is not about their experience. This case is not about someone who “feels” miserably treated by the municipality, but someone who is in the highest degree have been it.

It is shameful that the mayor hold on to this form of non-apology, when today we know that the three avmektige individuals in this case have been treated grossly and negligently.

Therefore, looking forward it this newspaper that Holøyen brothers get recognition in the state investigation and from the government apparatus. Well, it is also that the exposure has led to a review of the entire system of tutorship and the diagnosis triggers the funding. Hopefully never happens the same again.