“They give computers to the children at the hospital”

“Elin and Fredrik: of Course to help.”

“SUNDSVALL HOSPITAL. For children with diabetes is the computers are an important tool.”

“Recently received the children’s clinic at Sundsvall hospital five computers as a donation from Göran Melins foundation.”

“– There are families who cannot afford a computer. This gives all children the same opportunities to manage their diabetes and feel good, ” says lekterapeuten Maria Henning-Mäki.”

“Each year there are over 750 children and young people with diabetes in Sweden. In Sundsvall, sweden is approximately 135 children with the disorder linked to the children’s clinic.”

“The most important thing in the treatment of this serious disease is to keep blood sugar levels as even as possible. Thanks to new technologies, computer programs and apps, it has become easier, and safer.”

“– Diabetesvården has undergone a pretty dramatic change. With the help of special programs, you can keep an eye on their blood sugar, over time, to analyze and make changes, ” says Björn Stiernstedt, chief physician at the children’s clinic at Sundsvall hospital.”

“But both he and his colleague Maria Henning – Mäki on Lekterapin, noticed that the conditions for the children vary. “

“– You may take it for granted that everyone has a computer today. But there are a few parents who have it pretty tough financially and we wanted to be able to offer them this possibility, ” says Björn Stiernstedt.”

“Want to support those who cannot afford”

“But in the county council budget, there is not space for any purchases of computers..”

“instead, Maria Henning-Mäki contact with Fredrik Hallstensson on the GMIS, Göran Melins foundation, to get help.”

“He has previously collaborated with the children’s clinic in different ways and usually act quickly. One christmas, he arranged quickly a christmas tree to the patio at the children’s clinic, which had been suspended.”

“– of Course we could help to obtain computers for the to the end of the day it is all about children. It feels important to include families who lack financial resources can take advantage of the latest technology, ” he says.”

“Together with my boyfriend and partner, Elin, Malmsten, he visited the children’s clinic to deliver the gift. Five laptops, which can be more if need be.”

“– It means very much for us, but also for the families to have this opportunity. With the help of computers we can do something extra for the children and help where it is most needed, ” says Maria Henning-Mäki on lekterapin at the children’s clinic.”

“the hospital stay fell dramatically”

“Progress in the diabetesvården for children is clear. Treatment time previous, an average of two weeks has been reduced to three days.”

“the Improvements depend very much on better equipment and tools in a simple way, can regulate blood sugar levels. On a special website allows both children and parents to enter the information on insulin, food and blood sugar levels. Parents can easily monitor children’s values and if they need advice or help, they can get in touch with health care.”

“A computer also provides the ability to search for information about diabetes for families with sick children.”

” Diabetes is a tough disease. We want to do everything we can to ensure that all children feel so good it goes so that they can live as normally as possible, ” says Maria Henning-Mäki.”

“Fulfilling seriously ill children’s dreams come true.”

“Children who have a well processed diabetes has better conditions to stay healthy, even as adults.”

“Fredrik Hallstensson and Elin Malmsten, it feels meaningful to help the children who in various ways have it difficult in life.”

“– the Aim is that the children are promoted up and get to experience something positive that can hopefully counter the bad things you go through. I think it can be a healing force in it, ” says Fredrik Hallstensson.”

“Just the last years, GMIS, inter alia, encouraged and supported children with cancer, fixed a pool for autistiske Daniel and arranged a trip abroad for hard sick Alexander Westman in Örnsköldsvik, and all of his family. “

“What is it that drives you?”

“– It’s fun to see the happy children, there is nothing that beats it, ” says Elin Malmsten.”