During this weekend’s Super Bowl final in Atlanta be able to tv viewers all over the world during the break to see a commercial with the late pop artist Andy Warhol, quietly eating a burger from Burger King.

Andy Warhol died in 1987. The movie with the burgerspisende artist was recorded in the beginning of the’80s in the artist’s workshop, The Factory, in New York, by the Danish director Jørgen Leth as part of his documentary from 1982, ’66 scenes from America’.

Burger King has obviously not been pale to exploit the commercial value of one of the world’s most famous artists chose to put teeth into a Whopper instead of a Big Mac, but dig a little into the story behind the recording, it turns out that Warhol actually preferred McDonald’s.

Jørgen Leth has told me that it was a big experience for him, that his old burgervideo of the led came out to a millionstort the audience. Photo: Jacob Ehrbahn

In a video from the art museum Louisiana about the making of the famous Andy Warhol-clip tells Jørgen Leth very detail, how it went, since Warhol had to choose which burger he would put the teeth in.

– When he sees the three burgers, I had been retrieved – there was one from Burger King and two neutral – he says: Where is McDonald’s?

Jørgen Leth offers then to get the retrieved a burger from McDonald’s, which Warhol refuses, as he does not want to spend unnecessarily much time in the crazy Danish film project.

Andy Warhol would rather have had a burger from McDonald’s.

According to Leth preferred Warhol McDonald’s for aesthetic reasons. He seemed, simply, to their design and the burgers were better-looking.

The original recording with the burgerspisende Warhol is more than five minutes long, but Burger King has selected a clip of 45 seconds to their advertising.

It is unknown, how much Burger King has given order to be allowed to use the clip, but it can hardly have been quite cheap.

Jørgen Leth states that he because of contractual obligations can not tell, how many money he has earned from selling the rights to the clip to the international burgerkæde.