people over 50 should be able to clearly relate to longer unemployment benefits. The calls for SPD Chief Nahles. After nearly three years of the controversial base backup Hartz IV should apply.

SPD Leader Andrea Nahles wants to by former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder introduced the Hartz-IV-Reform in a fundamental way on the test bench and the older unemployed more money to pay. “From the age of 50 years, we want to acknowledge the contribution of number of years, even more than today,” said Nahles, the “editors’ network Germany”. “Who is 58 years old, can now apply for 24 months of unemployment benefit. We want to extend the reference period to up to 33 months.” In single cases the period can even increase to three years.

early retirement wave should be prevented by severance payments would be deducted in full. The claims are part of the concept “social state 2025”, in the case of the SPD, the controversial basic backup Hartz IV by a “citizens ‘ money” wants to replace.

financing unemployment insurance

Nahles reiterated their plans, Hartz IV abolished and replaced by a “citizens ‘ money”, the recipient must fear in the first two years and virtually no sanctions. So assets should not be counted and the size of the apartment is not checked. The extended unemployment benefit I added, could the unemployed to live up to five years with no penalty.

The extended unemployment benefits I would be eligible for financing from the unemployment insurance. “Their coffers are full, the money is there,” said Nahles. “The key is: The state as a Partner for five years, for support and perspective from the unemployment benefit I, on qualifying offers up to the transition phase when citizens’ money,” said the SPD Chairman. “In a new time, we need not less than a new approach to our social state is perceived as a performance in a fair and transparent manner.”

CDU rejected plans from

In the CDU, the SPD plans met with rejection. “I think it sends completely the wrong signal, if you want to extend this labour market situation, with a record of employment to take the Reference for the unemployment benefit”, – said the labour market policy spokesman of the Union group, Peter White, the Reuters news Agency. He see a need for the unemployment benefit I is no action. “The SPD proposals, which do not fit to the situation on the labour market,” says White.

willingness to talk, he signalled, however, the limits to which assets and own apartment in Hartz-IV-recipients of credit should be spared. “We can certainly talk,” said White.

The proposals for reform of the SPD shall at a closed meeting of the party Executive on may 10. and 11. February will be decided in Berlin.