The president of Congress, Ana Pastor, has his authority “and exercises”, but you should not equate the terms “coup” and “fascist” when spoken in the Parliament in the context of the crisis with Catalonia. “It’s your opinion, but not mine”, said the president of Citizens, Albert Rivera, who considers “a mistake” equating. The president has decided to ask you to withdraw those words when acting on a mode of insult among the deputies, but nothing would object to that referred to in the debate “the coup of October in Catalonia” or if one speaks of attitudes fascist without mentioning anyone in particular. For Rivera the attitude of the Pastor is similar to that of Pedro Sanchez, president of the Government, which has shown an “offset” that he deplores. “Attempt to violate the Constitution and declare independence is a blow to democracy, instead calling fascists to democrats is a lie”, explained Rivera this Thursday in a court appearance information in the Congress of Deputies.

The incident of the previous day in which the president of the Congress expelled Gabriel Ruffian of the chamber by not attending to two notices for your attitude while addressing the Foreign Affairs minister, Josep Borrell, has provoked mixed reactions. Though the respect of and compliance to the instructions of Ana Pastor, did not question itself has been at odds over his decision to put on the same plane to talk about fascism and golpismo. In the parliamentary group of the Pastor, the PP, there was discomfort indisimulado about that decision Venüsbet though as the hours passed in the rows popular, they tried to minimize the discrepancy. However, Albert Rivera stands with firmness of that decision of the president, and load with intensity against the president of the Government. “If Sanchez is something of dignity must break with the separatists and to call for elections,” he demanded

“The socialists always feel more comfortable with that spit to Spain”, has opined Rivera with respect to the reporting of Borrell have seen that the deputy of CKD Jordi Salvador spat at him as he was leaving the chamber, along with the rest of the deputies republicans in solidarity with the expulsion of Gabriel Ruffian. There is No evidence that he would have spit, but an aggressive face with the mouth, as has been recognized by the Savior himself. “Da like the spit-be it physical or figurative because it is against the Constitution,” said the president of Citizens. In his judgment, the PSOE was lukewarm in its support to Borrell – even all the socialist deputies stand and applauded – and much more Pedro Sanchez.

The president showed in writing, and after at a press conference with the president of Portugal, at Valladolid, his support to Borrell, but after he showed his rejection of the groups, especially the most numerous, who have inappropriate behavior. “Sanchez is capable of anything to stay in power because it has no moral, and the moral degradation of the PSOE, at the service of Sanchez, is breaking the bridges with the constitutionalism and legitimize the bullying”, has been accused by Rivera. “Attempt to violate the Constitution and declare independence is a blow to democracy, instead calling fascists to democrats is a lie,” he reasoned Rivera.

Monarchy to a referendum

The article in THE COUNTRY of the secretary general of we Can, Pablo Iglesias, on the usefulness of the Monarchy, he suggests to Albert Rivera, the leader of We can use the mechanisms described in the Constitution to inquire about the State model. Among others, convince two-thirds of the Camera to inspire the debate. “I no be a devotee of the Monarchy I don’t think that is the problem of Spain”. For Rivera it is more of a problem for Spain Churches, Puigdemont and Torra Felipe VI,” he concluded.