The crown prince and ruler of made in Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Bin Salman, has started this Friday in Abu Dhabi a tour of several arab countries, on the way to their participation in the G-20 in Buenos Aires. The trip, the first outside of the kingdom since the outbreak of the case Khashoggi, is interpreted as an attempt to counteract the damage that the murder of the journalist has caused to his image and show the strength of his leadership. The main test will be when it matches the rest of the world’s leaders in Argentina.

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The murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Consulate of saudi arabia in Istanbul in early October sparked a condemnation of the global, but until now there has been no visible steps of punishment to Saudi Arabia or its successor. Not even on the part of Turkey, the country that has clearly alluded to the responsibility of this in the ominous subject matter. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has already said that you don’t see a reason to meet with him during the G-20.

At the other extreme, the president of the united STATES, Donald Trump, has made it clear that you don’t mind his involvement as long as you continue to buy weapons. It remains to be seen what reception they are going to give the europeans, whose rebuke for the murder has not resulted in an arms embargo and for whom your presence in Buenos Aires has meant a diplomatic nightmare.

MBS, as it is known the prince, the prince comes to the appointment with the head high. By more than scholars and journalists have speculated with the upset in the royal family and the alleged efforts of some members to apartarle of the succession, there are no indications of changes. On the contrary, even those who were critical of his appointment as heir, as prince Ahmed (only brother of the mother and father of the king live), have given public displays of support. The monarch himself has taken measures to deal with any speculation.

king Salman, he supported his son during a speech last Monday, in which, without making direct reference to the murder of Khashoggi, praised the work of Gencobahis the attorney-general of the kingdom. Just four days before, this had been exonerated completely of the heir. But already before he had made other gestures to neutralize the discomfort of those impacted by his style impetuous. Held a spacious reception with members of the royal family, he released two prominent princes who were detained since the purge of the Ritz Carlton, and has even achieved the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca to praise MBS “as a great reformer sent to revitalize the faith.”

equally or more significant has been the unexpected royal visit to the provinces of Qassim, Hail and Tabruk. The king and his son have met with local dignitaries, and announced a rain of millions for the development of projects that means a return to the uses clientalism (and oil dependency) that MBS wanted to banish with its reforms. Finally, Salman has entrusted to his son the current trip “due to their desire to deepen the ties of the kingdom at regional and international level”.

as the visits to the provinces, the international tour of the heir arabia seems to be getting organized on the fly. In fact, in spite of ensure that respond to “invitations”, the official agency, SPA, has just announced the first stopover in Abu Dhabi. There has been received by the sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed (MBZ), strong man of United Arab Emirates (UAE) as heir of Abu Dhabi, although without any office in the Government of the country. But MBZ is not only an ally but also is considered the mentor of MBS. Under his baton, both countries have aligned their policies not only against Iran or the islamists, but more significantly against Qatar.

On the Twitter account of the emiratí it has been reported that the two leaders have discussed “issues of regional and international of mutual interest”. To lack of information of more substance, it is safe to bet that both of you have evaluated the pressures that are getting to end the war in Yemen and the embargo to Qatar. Regarding the first, we have already seen movements that encourage the hope of obtaining at least a truce and humanitarian. With regard to the second, there are more doubts.

it is Not clear what will be the next level of MBS. The newspaper tunisian Business News says they are expected in Tunis on Tuesday, at the invitation of the president, guest to beji caid Essebsi, although there has been no official announcement. Other stops that had been rumored were Brazil and Russia, but this last is unnecessary since the heir arabia he will meet with president Vladimir Putin in Buenos Aires.