it was Not the great mobilization that some expected. The arrival in Paris of the so-called yellow vests —the heterogeneous movement of the France of the provinces and the middle classes that are considered drowned out by the taxes and that, in the last few years have seen erosion in their purchasing power— was modest. And rugged. Some 8,000 people participated this Saturday in an unauthorised protest on the Champs-Elysées, as announced by the French Government at noon. In the rest of France is mobilized approximately 106,000 people.

The incidents —barricades burned, gases lacrimógenes, 26 detained— marked the protest in Paris. The minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, has accused Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National (the old National Front, old party of the extreme right), of stoke whom he called “the traitors”.

The yellow vests —the garment phosphorescent necessarily carry all of the motorists in their vehicles— demonstrated for the first time on Saturday, November 17 blocking roads and highways throughout the country. That day nearly 300,000 people protested.

it Is a movement without leaders or clear ideology. The least common denominator is the opposition to the rise of the tax to the fuel. It is a measure that affects the pockets of the French, who needed the car to move: the France of the middle and small cities and towns that feel spurned by urban elites, and cosmopolitan that you are going by public transport and by bike (or scooter). France’s president Emmanuel Macron.

The protests a week ago were a success for the yellow vests. This Saturday the movement had to take another step with a demonstration in the French capital.

The previous days were marked by the debate on the location of the protest. The authorities established that the protest will be held at the Field of Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, away from the neighborhood of the Elysée palace, seat of the French presidency, and residence of Macron.

in the morning, in the Field of Mars, there were only a few dozen people. The majority went to the Champs-Elysées, the most famous avenue of Paris. At no time was massive.

beyond the suppression of the rise in the tax on the fuel, Holiganbet the claims were multiple. Some called for a democracy closer to the citizens. Claimed, for example, that the blank ballot is recognized in the elections. Other, they wanted to tax rebates more spacious. And others, directly, the resignation of Macron. They Sang The Marseillaise. A group chanted: “Who does not pot is French”. Wore French flags but also breton or provençal, as an expression of the diversity that is hidden behind the France central Paris.

MORE INFO photo gallery in Protest of the ‘yellow vests’ in Paris, in photos Dies a protester run over and killed in the protests against the rise of fuel in France

as we progressed To the march to the vicinity of the Elysee palace, the riot police tried to alejarles with tear gas. Small groups of violent threw objects at the forces of law and order.

“we see that the extreme right has mobilized, and you try to raise barricades on the Champs-Elysées,” said the minister Castaner, who accused Le Pen of inciting this mobilization. “I had asked the Government why it did not entail the yellow vests to manifest itself in the Elysian Fields,” answered Le Pen in the Twitter social network. “Today, Christophe Castaner uses this issue to attack me. It is despicable and dishonest, as the author of this manipulation politiquera”.

On the Champs-Elysées, so striking was the sight —an expression of weariness with the elites, with claims cross— as what was missing. Not had an official presence of unions or political parties, although the yellow vests have received the support of both the radical right of the Association National of Le Pen as the populist left of The France Insumisa of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Also Laurent Wauquiez, the leader of The Republicans, the traditional party of the conservative right, has expressed his sympathy.

The first week of protests left two dead and 620 civilians and 136 members of the forces of order are wounded, reports agence France Presse. 72% of the French supported the motion, according to a polling institute BVA.