Juan Manuel Moreno, candidate of the PP to preside over the Meeting of Andalusia, clings to the mass of undecided, which stood at 22%, to reverse the tendency which exposed the surveys, which give a slope of seats —between five and 10 members— from the 33 it won in 2015. Moreno draws a scenario of unpredictability in that the surprise will be the possibility more realistic, given the latest polls. “This is more open than ever. Never in the history of Andalusia has been a candidate of the Popular Party that has more chances of being president of the Board that I have. And to that I cling,” he said on Monday in Seville in a ceremony with the president of galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and your number one by Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido.

MORE INFORMATION The PSOE will win in Andalusia, but will need agreements to govern Moreno appeals to the female vote: “Influís the milk and I ask that you assume that”

In 2012, the majority of polls showed the candidate of the PP’s absolute majority and finally won the elections, but fell five seats to achieve a majority and won the polls with 50 seats. “I have the utmost respect for the polls, but something has changed in the society. Before we started a campaign and in 15 days, not moving anything. We are now six days away from the elections and there is a 22% of citizens who still don’t know what they are going to vote. This means that this is more open than ever,” added the applicant.

Today, Brown repeats in his speeches that in the general election in 2016 voted for the PP 1.4 million andalusians, and if that figure is repeated he will be the winner in the polls. On the alleged rise of Vox, Moreno has said he does not know who will take votes, Kolaybet but estimated that can get votes from the group of abstainers who on previous occasions have not gone to the polls. Feijóo has added: “In Galicia there is no Vox”. And what about in Andalucia?, you have asked for. “Here, I hope not”.

“The citizens must know that the only way to ensure the vote is to vote for the PP, there are many ways to waste the vote, and one is carried away by the siren song of the unknown experience and program, and lack of responsibilities”, he stressed.

“Every day we have 18 surveys, but the citizens decide their vote the last two days. Something is moving in Andalucia and I have seen a wear brutal socialism hegemonic. No one sells the skin of the bear. I’ve already seen Susana Diaz saying, ‘I have very good feelings’ and stick a milk tremendous in the French socialist primaries”, has criticized the popular candidate.

On the negotiation of a Brexit and its effects on the relationship of Spain with Gibraltar, to Brown the thermometer is the chief minister of the Rock, Fabian Picardo, above the opinion of the Government and various lawyers that give validity to the assurances of the community institutions, which, through a declaration enshrines the right of veto Spanish on any future negotiations on Gibraltar: “From Seville, we heard peals of laughter from Picardo, it has been said that it is a piece of paper and not good for anything. That is the thermometer, this lord that laughs at our interests. It has created an insecurity for the workers of the Field of Gibraltar, and we lose a historical safety so that the Rock is not a tax haven covert”.”The laughter of Picardo is the symptom more clear the failure of the Spanish Government,” he added.