The austerity plan of López Obrador has caused a shock wave of discontent and uncertainty in the halls of public institutions in mexico. The cocktail of laws approved express by the parliamentary majority of Brown allows you to regroup offices, get rid of other, adjust over 6,000 squares of the bureaucracy and to put a ceiling wage: any worker public may charge more or 108,000 pesos per month, the new salary of the president. More than 200 judges announced Monday that it has promoted writ of amparo against. Have not been the only ones. Since the announcement of the first standard at the end of September, the reaction has been a cataract of public workers giving up their jobs, applying for early retirement or directly, being dismissed.


The judicial power, on a war footing against López Obrador The first law of was López Obrador: cut the salaries of politicians

“There is a lot of fear. We are all waiting for the half to see what happens,” explains an administrator who prefers not to give his name and that carries 10 years in the Senate, one of the first places where they started the scissor. In the last two months have gone 2.041 workers according to official figures. Half of these were positions of trust –chauffeur, secretary, assistant– appointed by the outgoing senators. The other half were workers called in a structure, with technical functions, such as the administration chooses not to give his name. The Senate has already paid $ 350 million pesos (about $ 17 million) in payouts.

López Obrador’s team has repeated emphatically that the measure will not affect unionized workers. From the union of the Senate state: “For the moment, we’re quiet”. Another of the mantras is that there will be a compensation for low wages. In Banobras, public bank, another worker, non-union, who has spent three years in the area of business and with a position that barely exceeds 40,000 pesos per month also Gobahis fears at least for the quality of your post. “We are notifying that we are going to remove benefits, such as health insurance that is private.” Even talk of “psychological thriller” and ensures that the 970 workers, at least 200 –all in the top of the pay scale, have requested the early retirement.

Lopez Obrador, in a press conference held Tuesday morning, went out to the passage of the protests and defended it down “the salaries of the above to increase the salaries of those below. It is justice work.” “If this doesn’t seem fair to the public servants, have their right to demonstrate, as they are doing, and the competent authority will resolve”. The president insisted that his arrival to power implies a change and that is going to implement a policy of austerity. “I think that there is dishonesty when a public officer agrees to receive up to 600,000 pesos monthly. That is corruption of a country with so much poverty”, he stressed.

early retirement have also been fired at the National Institute of Elections (INE). Among them, Miguel Ángel Solís, executive director of electoral organization for more than two decades. Sources of the institution recognize the rush of requests, although they qualify that “always produces a rise for these times. This year, in any case, it is more”. Management positions such as the chairman or the executive secretary exceed the 160,000 pesos net per month.

“The transition team has come up with the steamroller for all the high positions, it is as a war against the high command,” says the marketing director of a agency dependent of the ministry of Finance with a salary of 170.000 pesos per month and a contract as a “personal trust” from seven years ago. “I have already been notified, he added, ” I have to go. We thought that they were going to negotiate, but they are dismissing directors, assistant directors, and area managers. We fear, moreover, that we are not going to pay the payouts for dismissal. We are already talking with lawyers to defend ourselves and if necessary come to court”.

The exchange of positions of trust in high ranges and means within the Administration of mexican round 70,000, according to data from the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit. To carry out the cut planned by the new Government –in around 70% of the total, almost 50,000 workers, mostly technical profiles and management, would be transferred to the private market. “Most of us are waiting for us settled and in the meantime moving the curriculum by private companies”, recognizes the director of marketing who does not give her name.

Other cases have not waited if you want to the end of your contract. During the month of November, 56 of the workers filed their resignation from the National Banking Commission and Values (CNBV). Among them, four vice-presidents and seven directors-general of the regulatory commission of banks, brokerage houses and pension funds in Mexico.