The Prosecutor’s office of Istanbul has issued on Wednesday arrest warrants for two close aides of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), that are thought to be involved in the organization of the assassination of the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi,

In particular, it’s the general Ahmed al-Asiri, the deputy head of the intelligence services of saudi arabia, and Saud al Qahtani, advisor of the prince in matters of communication and one of the policy-makers point out publicly to those deemed to be enemies of the regime wahhabi. Both were relieved of their positions as we progressed the research on the homicide —committed in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul— and it was patent that Khashoggi was murdered according to a plan prepared in advance. None of the two has been charged in the open process in your country of origin, as there have been 11 members of the team “enforcer” who arrived in Istanbul the same day of cars and was responsible for the murder of Khashoggi. For five of them, the attorney general of Saudi Arabia has even asked for the death penalty.


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however, the office of the prosecutor estambulí believes that Al-Asiri and Al-Qahtani to “form part of the planners” of the crime, and accuses them of engaging in a “homicide-willful and premeditated, with courage wild, or the infliction of torments”, which requires your arrest. Turkey has tried, without much success at the moment, that Saudi Arabia extradite the arrested in connection with the case, to be judged by Turkish courts, which is something that the Government of Ultrabet Riyadh has refused.

last month, the Prosecutor of Istanbul made public the preliminary conclusions of the judicial investigation and police, according to which Khashoggi was asphyxiated after entering the consular building on the 2nd of October, after which his body was dismembered to make it disappear. Despite the two months since, the Turkish police has not yet been able to find a track that will take you to discover some trace of the corpse, so that it is believed that it may have been dissolved in acid. In contrast, the Turkish Government itself has acknowledged to possess some audio recordings that would show the murder and that have been shared with the intelligence services of various countries.

One of those who listened to these recordings is Gina Haspel, director of the u.s. CIA, who on Tuesday appeared before a Senate committee to explain what his Government knows about the case. One of the assistants to the court, the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee of the Senate, Bob Corker, said that Mohamed bin Salman “would be convicted by a jury in about 30 minutes” after hearing the evidence. Senator Lindsey Graham also concluded that there is “zero chance” that the crown prince is not involved in orchestrating the crime. However, the high charges of the Administration of Donald Trump argue that there is no evidence directly linking to MBS with the death of Khashoggi.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, called for this Wednesday to initiate an “international investigation” to clarify what happened: “I Think that especially needs to find out what really happened and who are responsible for this terrible murder.” The Ministry of Foreign affairs of Turkey responded that he did not hesitate to provide any type of collaboration if it is put in place an initiative of this type.