The president of andalusia in office, the socialist Susana Diaz, has assured that if he fails to form a government after the results obtained in the elections of the past Sunday, will remain in his seat in the Parliament in front of the opposition, as already announced to THE COUNTRY. “If it’s not government I’m going to be in the Parliament. When you show up to the elections and above desire, your duty is to feel proud of the vote. I have gained and I’m going to try to form a government, but if not, I’m going to represent worthily to that more than a million of andalusians who have won the elections even though some don’t want to see it,” he said. The PSOE won the elections last Sunday, but lost more than 400,000 votes and 14 mps down to touch ground with 33 seats.


The dilemma of Citizens Sánchez you decide to submit Budgets after the electoral defeat in Andalusia

Diaz, warned last Monday to Ferraz of the andalusian are the first appointment with the ballot box a long election cycle, and today it has returned to reiterate, as it did last Monday, that “all the party” has to “reflect” about what happened in Andalusia. He has also admitted that the “first responsibility” of the results is “who presents himself” as a candidate. So, has reiterated that she also has to “reflect” because he insisted on a “campaign of andalusia” while the rest of the parties “talked of everything except of Andalusia”. The acting president has already warned to Ferraz of the andalusian are the first appointment of an election cycle. Former socialist leaders consulted agree that there is a feeling Spanish that the left does not want to see and that is the that have appealed to forces such as Citizens or the Vox, who are more have been uploaded, and analyzed the results in Andalusia in key almost exclusively Catalan. “This is the first replica of the earthquake Catalan”, they argue.

The priority of Diaz passes for a guaranteed endowment, which right now seems almost impossible. “I’ve won elections and it is my responsibility,” he insists. In the PSOE are aware of the difficulty of collecting the votes, but keep the trust in which Citizens gauge the consequences of having the support of the extreme right. The acting president will start the round of contacts with all political forces, except for Vox, who is not considered a party constitutionalist starting on Monday, and will depart in the negotiations without red lines, say from the PSOE.

What does not contemplate, for the moment, Diaz is to support the candidacy of Citizens. “It is normal that the third party support the first”, Mariobet is your idea to force, and which he has reiterated today in the interview on the RADIO, asked if there was the abstention of the PSOE to avoid that Vox is the key in the future government. Diaz has been considered that it would be “more normal” the pose “behind”. “It seems to me that the one who wins has more legitimacy, that is the second or third,” has settled.

The failure of his efforts to win the presidency of the Board would to Ferraz continuity of Diaz to the front of the PSOE in Andalusia, but it is clear that, if not achieved the endowment, will remain in Parliament leading the opposition. The controls of the game in the community were awarded last Monday his confidence to his secretary-general to lead the training, during the meeting of the regional Executive. However, since the critical sector of the PSOE in andalusia have already emerged the first criticisms.

The delegate of the Government in the community, Alfonso Rodriguez Gomez de Celis, one of the trusted men of Pedro Sánchez in Andalusia, spoke yesterday about the continuity of Diaz. The socialist leader asked to “do a reflection” on their intention of continuing to lead the party. Gómez de Celis understands he touches now is a period of dialogue between the socialists to get a Government out of “extremist positions and fascists”. The position of the delegate of the Government of time is the minority in the bosom of the PSOE in andalusia, where the sanchismo account still with little penetration.

Ferraz has provided the PSOE of Andalusia for all the support for Diaz being able to form a government after the statements of last Monday, its general secretary, José Luis Ábalos, in which it seemed to leave the door open to the socialist leader for a posicble resignation and that surprised unpleasantly in the heart of the training. In the PSOE in andalusia were received with relief the change of criterion with respect to the termination of its leader to Sources in the party believe that his resignation “would not solve the problem in the short term”, but, on the contrary, “it would open up a crisis” in the formation. Interpret, in addition to that it makes no sense to consider the cessation of who has won elections and has not done the same with the party leaders of other communities where the PSOE failed. “Ferraz would be irresponsible if I would like to take the election results to play internal politics of the party”, warns a former socialist leader of andalusia.

On if it has been weakened by the fact that the Government of the nation need the vote of the independents to bring forward budgets, Diaz has asserted: “Pedro Sanchez is doing what he can in an adverse circumstance, with a government with 84 seats, and if some feel for Spain what we felt, they would not be in the tactics election”. In this sense, has stressed that if Albert Rivera or Paul Married had been sitting down to negotiate budgets it is “evident that they would not have had the prominence of pro-independence supporters”.

Former socialist leaders consulted launch a clear message on the importance of ensuring, despite the difficulties apparent, a socialist Government in Andalucía. “Since 1977, a socialist government in Andalucía has been key to the loyalty to the constitution and the respect of the model of unity of Spain, to play on that has a government at the front of the Board that does not respect the Constitution, it is a danger for those who aspire to govern Spain”, they warn.