the Uk will submit a formal complaint to Spain for the incident of the military vessel Spanish that sounded the national anthem while sailing near Gibraltar. The british ambassador in Spain, Simon Manley, assures THE COUNTRY that the complaint will be sent “in the coming days”, but states that it is not due to the controversy about the anthem. It is, according to his version, to protest what the british authorities regarded as an incursion into territorial waters gibraltareñas. Spain does not recognize that the colony has still waters of its jurisdiction, so that it does not support any type of raid.


A patrolman of the Armada sails along with Gibra A before and after on Gibraltar

The patrol of the Navy’s Infanta Elena toured last Tuesday waters close to Gibraltar, which London considered to be belonging to the british colony. A video released on social networks revealed that for the pa system of the ship sounded the Spanish national anthem. Ambassador Manley ensures that his country has not yet clarified the facts (some sources suggest that before the Spanish anthem was issued in the uk by a channel Kalebet reserved for emergencies) and that is not the origin of the formal complaint. “As we always do, we will send in the next few days a complaint diplomatic by the incursion of the boat in these waters”, has assured this Wednesday the british representative.

London argues that each year there are multiple incidents of this type and always refer to a protest to the Spanish authorities. On this occasion, the conflict has been in full resurgence of tensions over the british colony by the Brexit, but finally, we have reached agreements both at european level as at the bilateral Madrid-London.

The shocks are not surprising, since Spain considers only legitimately ceded to the United Kingdom, a part of the Rock: the city, the castle, the port, defenses and fortresses, which were transferred in the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713. In contrast, neither the isthmus nor the adjacent waters were included in that agreement, and therefore Spain considers them occupied and not recognized under british jurisdiction. So that misunderstandings in the Strait are not exceptional. According to London, will produce several a year.