In recent months, various Governments, with the united States at the head, have expressed concern over the information that you could obtain Beijing through the products and equipment manufactured by Huawei, putting in danger the national security. To the extent that the own Donald Trump forbade any member of your Government to have a device phone of chinese brand. A decision that has slowed the development of Huawei in the united States that, despite this, has displaced Apple as the second manufacturer in the world of smart phones.

But the veto of the technological company in china extends far beyond. This week Australia and, shortly before, New Zealand were blocking the use of equipment manufactured by Huawei on the development of the new generation of telecommunications infrastructures and, in particular, of the mobile network 5G. The chinese company leads the technological development in the world scope, but the countries are concerned that the chinese regime is using its companies to work on cyber espionage, both industrial and state. The Government of Canberra also vetoed the chinese ZTE.


The arrest of the vice-president of Huawei rekindles the tension between USA and China Meng Wanzhou, candidate to inherit the empire Huawei united States and China give a fragile truce in the trade war

Japan and South Korea also discussed the operations of Huawei in its territory. The distrust of the united States on the activity of Huawei have been extended to Tokyo. The Government of japan has decided to exclude both this company as well as ZTE in public tenders because of the alleged security breaches committed by the two companies, according to forward various local media and collects Efe. The veto should be doubts about the independence of both companies and their links with the chinese Government.

confirmation Of the measure, Japan would be in addition to the united States, Betticket Australia and New Zealand in the block of countries that tabled the part of the business of the chinese giant for reasons of national security, especially in relation to the deployment of networks of mobile communication of the fifth generation (5G).

Several european countries, with the United Kingdom and Germany at the head, want to reach an agreement to the European Commission to investigate the foreign investment to occur in the area of technology and infrastructure considered strategic. An initiative that aims to force the prior approval of the foreign investment in sectors such as health, the aviation industry, the media and, of course, the technology, and that has China as the main target, though does not explicitly state his name.

In the Uk, British Telecom has just announced this Wednesday that is going to eliminate in the next two years the equipment of Huawei, which already exist in their networks of 3G and 4G.

in Both London and Berlin are planning to bring to auction the radio spectrum for networks 5G next year, and pressures to ban Huawei from this new development are increasing every day. Last summer the German Ministry of the Economy prompted a legal change that the Government could veto the purchase on the part of companies outside the EU shares above 15 per cent in sectors such as defense, technology or certain infrastructures deemed critical. However, the chinese company has just opened in Bonn a laboratory on informational security that seems geared to calm such suspicions. The cost of the planned investment for the network 5G can reach up to 80,000 million euros only in Germany.

The development of networks 5G will mark the next wave of global technology. This infrastructure of mobile connectivity as a fifth-generation promises download speeds between 10 and 20 times faster than the current, more coverage and connections more stable,