Violent clashes in Catalan city between riot police and “anti-fascists”

the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, has given four days to the director of the Interior, Miquel Buch, to make changes in the dome of the Mossos. The demand occurs as a result of the burdens of this Thursday of the Mossos in Girona and Terrassa, to prevent pro-independence protesters trying to boycott a march of Vox and saltasen the police cordon that was attempting to prevent the meeting of the two groups. Pro-independence supporters, including members of the CUP, dismantled the fences and threw objects at the agents in order to boycott the acts of the party of the ultra-right. Buch has confirmed in TV3 the requirement of Torra, with whom, he said, will meet on Sunday: “Will I end up reporting and take decisions together”.

Buch has not specified whether the changes will be limited to the commanders of the police station in charge of public order, that led to the riot, or if it will affect the entire dome police. In the protests this Thursday, several people were injured, among them the deputy of the CUP, Maria Sirvent, who received an impact of a projectile of the memory foam in Terrassa (Barcelona). The organization has returned to ask for the resignation of Buch.


A detainee and 15 ‘mossos’ injured in an attack on a concentration in favour of the Constitution Buch: “The CDR is not a problem of public order in Catalonia” Oleybet The Mossos loaded and stopped three people in a protest in Terrassa

The counselor of the Interior has also secured some images of the protests involving the Mossos d’esquadra, “do not conform to the principles of democratic policing”. And has added that “will make decisions as to whether there was malpractice”.

Buch has appeared this morning in various media to give explanations. “I will shake the pulse to pitch to agents Brimo [the riot]” if the open records concluded that they acted improperly, has said on Catalunya Ràdio.

In Girona, in spite of the preventive measures that set the police Catalan before the manifestation of the self-styled “anti-fascists” that were intended to prevent a concentration of Vox, the counter-demonstrators broke through on several occasions, the cordon of security. Some faced the agents with the face covered and with the release of stones, chairs and other objects. Fifteen officers and three protesters were treated by the Emergency Medical System (SEM). A group of health care workers who go to the protests, Health care for the Republic, ensures that treated 42 people, mostly for bruises.

the head of The opposition in the Parliament, Ines Arrimadas, has reported, via his Twitter account, that Torra try to “criminalize and impede the Mossos” do your job.