the Return of the characters of the French writer Katherine Pancol. And they do so for the last time. Three kisses (Dna) is the novel that closes the series that began with the trilogy of The yellow eyes of crocodiles (La esfera de los libros, 2006) and continued with the Girls (La esfera de los libros, 2014). “Today the heroes are women, not men. Women are becoming beings of iron, and the men are a bit lost on all sides,” said the writer during a meeting in a central hotel in Madrid. And his novels are full of heroines.


Vampires emotional “The film causes me so much love, as hatred”

“it All started with the character of Josephine,” said the writer when he was asked by his success. Pancol begins the stories from the construction of their protagonists, “because when you build a character the actions are developed alone. In a novel the people have to see from within them, not from the outside”, he said. In this book there are 42 characters, and are the cause of that the writer is among the ten most sold in France. In this latest book, we live how Stella questions her love towards Adrian, how Elena plans their revenge in secret or how to know Hortense Inès de la Fressange. Meanwhile, the shadow of Ray Valenti continues on Saint-Chaland and Junior, grateful for a gift, reveals his powers parapsychological. In addition, continue to present Josephine, Zoe, Calypso and Tom, along with new characters.

however, fame came to him much before posting this saga. Her first novel Moi d’abord (1979) was a tremendous success. “The first time was a little weird, because suddenly all the world around you, you looking at, you ask a lot of questions, you are invited to other places, wanted to buy the title of the book to make a perfume, to sell the rights for a film, which appeared I in a movie… The first time is complicated. That’s why I went to live to New York, because staying in Paris I was going to be a phenomenon of fashion, and he was going to stop writing, that’s the feeling I had,” confessed Pancol.

From ten years ago, each book of Katherine Pancol exceeding 500,000 copies sold. The writer touches all the world. But, it reverts back to point to Josephine: “it Has worked very well in the whole world. When the book was published in China, I received an email from a young lad of twenty years, chinese, in the army, and wrote to me: “Madam, I am Joséphine”. And when the book was published in the united States the first five emails I received were of five men said to me: “I’m Joséphine”. Readers have taken to these characters, and “have been involved in their lives,” he said.

Prior to being a writer, Pancol was a journalist on Casinoslot the magazine Paris Match and Elle, and here he comes, perhaps, that style of addressing his novels. You could say that they are a reflection of the deep France, although “perhaps”, as such, no longer exists,” says Pancol, “the world is a lot like”, and that’s why his novels cross borders. To do this, the writer points out that it works on three principles: to live, to observe and give. “I’m always looking, it is as if he had a video camera in the head, there are stories in all places. I speak with all the world, I’m pointing phone numbers, I’m going to make coffee with the people… Because the society has opened up a lot. And everything is difficult and everything is possible at the same time,” he says.

And what about the love? “Love is all”, he laughs Pancol, “although now the twenty year old girls are also interested in the success. The love and success”. The writer researched a lot about male violence to write Girls, a novel that tells the story of Léonie, a 60 year-old woman who is mistreated by her husband, Rai, a fireman, feared and respected by all the people. And no doubt talk about the phenomenon #MeToo, which commented that it “has helped many women to talk, there were many abuses, but we don’t have to fall into the excess opposite.” For the writer, the situation between men and women is now very complicated.

despite the success, there is something that still resists to Pancol: the recognition of the intellectuals of his country. “It is a phenomenon that is very French,” explains the writer, the criticism it has received, “when I travel to present and talk about my books, I never have that problem, the only place where what I have is in France. The French react in odd ways in front of the success, in front of the money, they want everyone to be equal. It is a disease,” he.

But this disease has not finish with the urge to write of Pancol. “Always, I’m always working,” said rotunda. This year alone he has written twelve children’s stories, and several short stories for the radio, premiered a work of theatre, and this summer began a new novel. “I love the new book, I love it, I’m very excited,” commented on this project. “My problem is that I have too many ideas. I have too many things to do and I don’t know how to clonarme”, so that, as said, we will know more about Katherine Pancol, but this time, with new characters.