A cordon sanitaire intermittent to the extreme right in Europe european socialists choose to Iratxe García first vice president

Pedro Sanchez proposes a “new social contract” to the height of the expectations of the younger generations to “rebuild” the Welfare State, rolled during the Great Recession, and give a “new impetus to the european construction”. The president of the Government has appealed to the XI Congress of the european socialists to “do much more” in the defense and dissemination of the values pro-european compared to the rise of the far right, fueled by the “malaise” citizen and that the end of last week ended with the exception of Spanish following the introduction of Vox in the andalusian Parliament with 12 deputies. “We don’t have that atenazarnos front to the extreme right, we have to free ourselves from all the chains to move forward. We must make a reflection, there are symptoms, the Brexit, the rise of the extreme right, in front of which we need to build and build collective values, compared to the individualism in which the values of the French Revolution are present”, has influenced Sanchez to the “authoritarianism” growing in Europe.

“you can’t be pro-european and support forces antieuropeístas to govern”, has sentenced Sanchez in a message addressed to PP, and Citizens. The parties of Paul Married Albert Rivera are open to a possible agreement with the right wing of Santiago Abascal in Andalusia, where the PSOE has been in a minority and facing the loss of the Board after 36 years of governments in a row. The president has insisted that “now is the time to fight,” and “appeal to the mobilization of the society calm and moderate, who knows that is based on the coexistence, in the conquest of rights, of freedoms and moderation in the policy-making.

The Party of European socialists (PES) has been proclaimed a candidate in the european elections of may to Frans Timmermans -committed to working to make a reality of the social proposal of the Spanish president – in the midst of an environment that dominated a certain sense of village gala that resists to harsh penalties against the expansion Bahis Siteleri of the right and its more extreme versions. In a scene so hostile, that the left has been gradually losing the majority of governments community, the iberian peninsula has emerged as the flagship of social-democracy.

The presentation of Sanchez -“Nothing is impossible”, gave input to the speaker – summarizes the condition of leadership that in some way have been taken up by Spanish socialist. Also witnessed the applause and celebrations of the thousand of attendees at the congress in Lisbon, the interventions of the secretary-general of the PSOE and of the host and the Portuguese prime minister Antònio Coast. The circumstances and obstacles they had to overcome Sanchez and Costa seemed insurmountable: the PSOE regained the Government to lead the first motion of censure which has been successful, even though it remains barely at the count of only 84 deputies in the Congress. In the case of Portugal, the Executive socialist was possible three years ago after an unprecedented agreement with the communists and the Bloco de Esquerda, a partner of we Can. This pact, three bands, popularly known as the gerigonça, there is not much of a future as the next fall will hold elections, in which the socialists start out as the favorite. “Said Fernando Pessoa we cannot reduce politics to a mere reflection of how it comes to power. Antònio[Coast], with your push you have demonstrated what to do when it comes to the government. Thank you for your way of non-resignation and struggle, which combines the sanitation of public accounts, and social justice. You are an example for all the socialist family. Inspired by the socialism Portuguese, we will present the Budget”, said Sánchez to a tier delivered. Sanchez took up the idea of presenting the public accounts after it is discarded in mid-November. The change occurred after the disaster the socialists in the elections in andalusia and seeks to portray to the parties pro-independence catalans and the rest of political forces. Not to get ahead, the advancement electoral antojaría imminent.

Slovakia, Romania and Malta -his prime minister, Joseph Muscat, has generated controversy in the conclave of the PES; the screams and the “shame” of one of the people in the auditorium bothered and remembered the controversy on the mediterranean island after the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana, who was investigating corruption cases believed to be linked to members of the Government – are the other rare avis with Executives left beyond Spain and Portugal, the actors that have grabbed the attention at the meeting of the european socialists. The slogan of “more democracy, more solidarity,” delivered by Ana Catarina Mendes, secretary general of the Portuguese socialist, has been one of the most coreados in front of the “domination ultra-liberal” who has advised Elio Rupo, the belgian prime minister between 2011 and 2014. The answer, according to Costa, passes for “a Europe that combats inequalities and free of populism”.