It should be the Event of the year, at least for a thousand Teens on the Adriatic coast at Ancona. Instead, the night turned to tragedy. In the disco “Lanterna Azzurra” in Corinaldo, a small town of the marches, erupted in a panic. Six people were killed, they were trampled in the escape to death, crushed. Five of them were underage. The sixth victim is the mother of a girl. She had accompanied her daughter to the “Lanterna Azzurra”, as did many mothers and fathers.

The audience on this evening was particularly young, between 14 and 18 years old. Were the young people for the concert of the rapper Sfera Ebbasta, the citizen is called Lich Gionata Boschetti. Milan, 26, an Idol of the Teens, with millions of followers in the social media, is Italy’s most successful Rapper of the Moment. He calls himself “king of the Traps”, a variant of rapeseed, is wearing bling and Tattoos as his American role models, sings proud of the many coal, which he has made. Boschetti comes from humble beginnings.

victims plunged into the deep

it Betebet is Still unclear what exactly it was that triggered the panic. Multiple eyewitnesses in the room was suddenly a biting smell wide, as known from pepper spray. It was shortly before 1.30 am, in the middle of the concert. As the first visitors tried to leave the restaurant through an emergency exit, they were forced, apparently, back from the security service. The escape focused entirely on a different exit, to the Parking lot.

Under the pressure of this onslaught, the protection railing collapsed. In the darkness of the wall was not to be seen, in front of the parapets should be protected – it goes a few meters in depth. Apparently, the six victims rushed into the Void, and then from the descendant of the Refugees were crushed. Dozens more people were injured, out of twelve, it was said that they were in a critical condition – “Codice rosso”, the highest risk. The Carabinieri have seized the disco immediately and interviewed the employees. It should be clarified, whether it was blocking an emergency exit at the crucial moment, actually.

pepper spray-Thesis is reminiscent of Turin

The Thesis with the pepper spray, the Italian is reminiscent of another tragedy: on the Piazza San Carlo Turin, on 3. June, 2017. At that time, during the broadcast of the Champions League Finals between Juventus Turin and Real Madrid, were eight young men with pepper spray to panic. The aim was apparently to steal from in the General confusion of people. A woman was trampled to death, thousands were injured. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 08.12.2018, 10:43 PM