Lyudmila Alexeyeva, was the Grande Dame of Russian human rights movement, an unrelenting critic of the Kremlin, which was of a 15-year-old exile is not to be intimidated. Now she died at the age of 91 years in Moscow.

The renowned Russian human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva is dead. She died after a severe illness at the age of 91 years, told the human rights Council. Alexeyeva was regarded as a Grande Dame of the movement for human rights in their home country, and was internationally as well as in Russia is highly regarded.

Alexeyeva was Born on 20. July, 1927, on the Peninsula of Crimea. Early on, her family moved to Moscow. Already in her studies she joined a circle of dissidents. The relentless descriptions of the horrors in the work under Josef Stalin, and many others shocked, have store Alexeyeva said.

in conjunction with the Nobel peace prize laureate Andrei Sakharov and other colleagues she founded in 1976, in Secret, a human rights organization, which today is renowned Moscow Helsinki group. This brought them to the attention of the KGB. It is house to house searches followed, prohibition from practising a profession, and finally, in 1977, the Expatriation. More than 15 years Alexeyeva lived in exile in the United States. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union, she was able to travel back to their home and took over in 1996 as Piabet Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki group.

criticism of the Crimean annexation

Also, the Russian leadership watching Alexeyeva always critical. In the first years of his office, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin was heard in the human rights Council of the President called you, with interruptions, until her death. Again and again she turned on the word heavily in discussions and not shied away from criticizing the Kremlin.

you worked for the oligarchs, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and criticized the investigation into the murder of the opposition Boris Nemtsov. Also the annexation of the Ukrainian Peninsula, criticized Crimea by Russia in 2014, you sharp. That the breach of international law many people, regardless, won’t shake you deeply.

“as the symbol of honesty

Putin praised Alexeyeva. “The President appreciates the contribution made by Ludmilla Alexeyeva for the development of civil society in Russia,” said Putin’s Confidant, Dmitry Peskov, the Agency Interfax. He respects your positions on many issues of the country. Putin had also sent a personal message of Condolence.

Although Alexeyeva was a sharp critic of Putin, gave her to your 90. Birthday last year, a prize for “exceptional achievements in the field of human rights”. Even if he had been fighting a lot with her, and charges her “enormous respect” for her courage, had Putin said at the time.

Alexejewas death was a sad event for the whole of Russia, stressed the Russian human rights Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkowa. “She was and remains a symbol of honesty and the uncompromising struggle for the people and justice,” said the politician.

on the Occasion of your 90. Birthday of the Russian President Putin visited his critic Lyudmila Alexeyeva, in her apartment in the center of Moscow. (20. July, 2017)