on Saturday described the Extra Magazine, how Nicholas Nybro in the latest edition of the radio program ‘You Are Sunshine’ at Radio24Syv came with a quite sensational opinion about queen Margrethe.

When the talk in the program fell on the royal family Instagram-advent calendar, where each day is put up an image of an object in relation to the royal family, pointed out the Nicholas Nybro, among other things, that queen Margrethe seems ‘slightly retarded’.

The announcement is dropped Martin Henriksen, who is værdiordfører for the Danish people’s Party, for the chest, and it causes him now to criticize Nicholas Nybro in quite harsh terms.

– of course, It is inappropriate to refer to majesty or other members of the royal family on the way, says Martin Henriksen says to Ekstra Bladet.

See also: Danish radio host with a WILD announcement: Queen Margrethe seems retarded

He believes that there is a direct majestætsfornærmelse.

– I think it is majestætsfornærmelse, but it is not up to me to decide. It may the justice system take care of. However, I would say that it crosses an ethical and moral limit, when one says the kind on the queen, says the politician.

According to Nicholas Nybro can queen Margrethe seem a tad retarded. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

En Ekstra Bladet caught Nicholas Nybro Saturday morning to inquire into the reasons for his opinions on queen Margrethe in the program, he acknowledged that the opinions maybe it was just hard enough.

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– If I was asked again, I had probably said it in a different way. Some times it goes heavily in such programs, said among other Nicholas Nybro, who continued:

– It is important for me to stress that I have deep respect for queen Margrethe, and I think it is great that we have a warm and loving grandmother. It has never been my intention to pork her.

the Article continues under the picture …

Nicholas Nybro is plunged into a porno izle tailspin. Photo: Thomas Cato

if you Ask Martin Henriksen is Nicholas Nybros opinions, however far over the line.

– in this country, we talk nicely and properly about our queen. We need to do to show respect for our own country’s history, and in this way it is also a matter of self-respect, and so it is also about recognizing the royal family’s position in society and, of course, to show respect for the queen’s lifelong efforts for Denmark, says Martin Henriksen.

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According to the værdiordføreren, there is no doubt what Nicholas Nybro should do. He must withdraw his statement back.

– I do not understand, that he can bring himself to say it. But now it is said. And so should he just lay down flat and fully pull the statement back, so we can move on. There’s no reason to ruin the christmas spirit with speaking ill of the queen of Denmark, says Martin Henriksen.

What do you think of Nicholas Nybros announcement? He has the right! It can’t afford to say. He probably should have kept a little don’t care

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What do you think of Nicholas Nybros announcement? 10% He has the right! 52% It can’t afford to say. 19% He probably should have kept a little again 19% I don’t care

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