the Love blossomed between Anders Vanggård and Inge-Lise Perschke in ‘Farmer seeks love’, and the emotions became greater and greater.

But now – a few months after the filming – is the love burst between the two lovebirds.

It tells the 43-year-old farmer to Ekstra Bladet.

– We reached, never to be lovers, before we were fairly agreed that it should not be us. It happened a few weeks after filming. It was quite undramatic. But we probably had more feelings of friendship for each other, when it came to the crunch, Anders says to Ekstra Bladet.

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He stresses that the two today are friends and talk together.

– We still talk together as friends, and for example, we have agreed that we must be followed to the Reality Awards in January, so we can easily talk together, ” says Anders, who, however, does not regret, that it was Inge-Lise, he took on a romantic weekend and not Louise.

– It was the right thing to take her with. I don’t regret it, reads it from the farmer.

Love did not last long between Donald and Inge-Lise. Photo: TV2

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even Though Anders has therefore been single the last few months, so he has not yet thrown his love at a new.

– I have not found a new one, but I’m open for suggestions, in relation to where I can find one, says Anders with a laugh.

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Inge-Lise on the other hand, according to Anders already has a new man in her life.

– She has found a new girlfriend, and I am in a way relieved, for so should I not go and worry me and have a bad conscience.

even Though Anders is not found love in the program, so he does not regret that he has chosen to help.

I certainly have no regrets, it has been a really good experience, and I have learned much from it, emphasises Anders.

Niels and Katrine the Love still flourish between Niels and Katherine. Photo: TV2

There is much more positive news to download of the 24-year-old farmer Niels Kjær Sørensen from (Søby. The young farmer chose to take Katrina on a romantic weekend, and it paid off. The two are still together today.

– We have been lovers. We did a few months after the program had been recorded. We had to learn each other a little better to know, and she would find out whether she could set out to date a farmer, there are periods where you do not have so much time. But it makes her not so much, so it’s great. After the cameras were turned off, our emotions develop, says Niels for the Extra Magazine.

According to Niels, he and Katrine as much time together as possible. Katrine live and study in Aarhus, and it is therefore necessary with good planning.

– It is a good hour drive between us, but it is not so difficult with the distance. We get it to work. I go up to her and sleep for the day after, and so I run home early, and at work the day after. We see each other one to two times a week, and now that harvest is over, I begin hopefully to get a little more time, says Niels.

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the Pair have no plans to Katrine must settle down on the farm in Nr. Søby.

– We have it really good, and we are happy for each other, but we take it quietly. Katrine must do its study completed in Aarhus, and then we shall see what happens then. I dare not make predictions about the future, ” says Niels.

– But I’ve really got much more out of the program than I had anticipated. I had thought that maybe it would help me to be able to get a little time and get a girlfriend in the long term, because then people might recognize me. But then there’s five girls, who are interested in me, and then there’s one of those I fell for. It’s great, and I really had not thought that it would happen.

Jørgen and Kirsten Jørgen and Kirsten is to this day still lovers. Photo: TV2

Also at Jørgen Pahus and Kirsten Marie Skaarup is there still love in the air.

– We have it really good, and we are still lovers. We are together as often as we can. I have met most of George’s family, and they have taken so well against me. His friends have also taken me in with open arms, says a delighted Kirsten to Ekstra Bladet.

According to Kirsten, it has been difficult, that she and Jørgen had to go quiet with the doors and not have had to show their love for each other publicly, while the program has been sent.

– It has been four months, where we’ve had to hide it, and how we have had to take care to show our love in public. We must not, after all, because we can then reveal something from the program. But now we must finally show our love. I can take him out to dance, in the theatre and all this stuff. It is really great, for it was a few tough months, ” says Kirsten.

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– We have, however, been much together, but it has been more on the home front, she adds.

Kirsten lives in Randers and Jørgen in the News is a great part of the distance between the two. It takes Kirsten with a smile.

– There is little driving time, but that’s how it is. Fortunately, I like to run in the car, and otherwise I take the train. It is only two hours, it’s all about. So we take this quite calmly.

Kirsten is, however, not dismissive, that she and Jorgen moving along at the farm in the News in the near future.

– Patrick has said to me that I would need to move down on the farm, but I am a pensioner, and he earns good money, and I will not have, that he needs to support me. I would be tired, but we are about to create a farm shop down on his farm. It we start with, and if it goes well, then it may be that I move down there. However, it is important for me, that something is happening, and that I have something to do, before we take the step, says Kirsten.

Martin Artemisbet and Natascha Martin found love in the Natascha. Photo: TV2

Although Martin was not entirely satisfied with meeting the girls who had written to him, and perhaps oversold himself a bit, is there anyway come something really good out of one of the letters.

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– We are lovers and have been for five months, says Natascha to Ekstra Bladet.

Since she went to Jutland to fight for Martin against the other selected girls, she’s never really taken home from his country house.

I had just put my apartment up….I do not know whether it is fate, but I have been with Martin and live here now stuck, she says.

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The only thing that is missing, for everything to be perfect between Natascha and Martin, is that she will find a job – preferably in the field of logistics, which are her subjects.

– But I’m bored on the farm. There is always something to do. I fit the household chores, and so I have got my horse, she says.

Just a girlfriend who would like to wash, cook and clean, was almost a requirement from Martin, when he was looking after a girl in ‘Farmer seeks love’, and it has he got.

– It is fine enough as long as I go home. But when I have got a job, he must therefore very much like to help to swing the vacuum cleaner. The kitchen I’ll have to take care of, says Natascha with a laugh.