The Federal Council has just published the framework agreement. What do you think of this step?
I welcome, that the Federal Council published the framework agreement in the context of an internal consultation. We can lead in the Knowledge of the Details of an informed political discussion about the pros and cons of the Treaty.

The Federal Council is not afraid but more in front of the decision, the draft framework contract, to reject or to approve.
In the current domestic political constellation, I can understand this reluctance. In Switzerland, you can make policy the outside, only in combination with domestic policy. For a conclusion of the Treaty, it needs the support in the Parliament, the cantons, the support of social partners and relevant associations and, ultimately, the consent of the population. Therefore, I welcome the consultation process that the Federal Council is now in motion.

Until what time will have developed the cantons have a consolidated position?
We will be on the next Friday, a first debate in the plenary Assembly of the conference of the cantonal governments. Our attitude we will have very consolidated, probably in March 2019.

Video: Ueli Maurer talks to the EU framework agreement The Finance Minister at the media conference in Bern. (Video: Swiss Federal Council/Tamedia)

The EU don’t want to wait. In addition to the exchange of equivalence, you could put more stitches, such as the waiver on the agreement on the facilitation of imports and exports update.
The Federal Council has already set a regulation into force, with the help of the Swiss stock exchange protected is not to be the case that the EU extended the stock exchange of equivalence. To stitches on any needle I would like to say: The EU is not only from the EU Commission, but also from its member States. The EU Commission must consult the member States. In this respect, I see a parallel procedure.

do not fear that the EU will tighten the screw on the thumb?
It is not inconceivable that the EU, further measures with an adverse impact on Switzerland. But I hope in particular to our neighbouring countries. They have stable relations with Switzerland a particularly great interest and will therefore consider carefully whether any action against the Switzerland are the cause.

Switzerland Would have to adopt additional precautions, such as the EU transit through our country make it difficult?
An escalation of the dispute would certainly not be in the interest of Switzerland, since the EU is ultimately at the longer lever. The aim must be to an understanding. We have an election. In 2019, the Swiss Parliament will be ordered new, as is the EU Parliament. The EU Commission will also be re-constituted. We need a modus vivendi for the interim period up to 2020.

Switzerland to bite on the teeth and wait for better times?
The collateral damage of the Non-signing of the framework agreement must be kept within narrow limits; we must work towards that now. Whether we will succeed is, of course, not sure. The EU must be aware that The Swiss population would you see in addition, pinholes even more critical than it is doing already.

As the largest point of contention is the protection of Wages. You see?
Yes. From the point of view of the cantons in particular, we have two priorities: We reject the Union citizens Directive. And we fight against it, EU principles on state aid in a framework agreement. State aid rules in individual contracts. In this area, the cantons according to the current state of very large reservations.

Can you be more precise?
as for the substantive provisions on state aid, on the one hand, a substantive Change to an existing agreement on air transport. In the case of the above-mentioned “principles” are the detailed provisions of the EU Law; in the other sectoral agreements, it will not give more to negotiate much, since the above-mentioned “principles” must be taken in accordance with the framework agreement in such agreement. In short It is very questionable whether the claims of the cantons are met.

Is sacrosanct Casino Siteleri to the protection of Wages for the cantons?
We will now analyze the internal effect of the contract with various experts from the cantons. Only then can we say whether it is possible to develop a solution, which weakens the accompanying measures.

The unions want to deviate one Iota from its position, the SVP rejects the Treaty anyway. The agreement is, in fact, dead.
So absolutely, I would not say it. At some point, we need a solution with the EU. But it is already so: The probability that the conclusion of a contract, is very deep. Again: Without the framework of the Treaty will erode the bilateral agreements, the discrimination potential for the Swiss economy will rise, because the EU law.

What could save the contract?
I see a Chance that the text of the Treaty is now open to the public. De facto, the political hurdles for the conclusion of a contract are too high. May also be new dynamics.

do you See a chance for a new dynamic, should be completed by the Brexit?
The parallel discussion about the Brexit was for Switzerland in the last months of a disadvantage. May would take place on the EU side, a certain amount of ease, if the Brexit. The EU was in the final phase of the negotiations with Switzerland, very dogmatic. I am very sorry. The Problem is: We know when and with what content the last act in the Brexit-Drama.


Created: 07.12.2018, 18:37 PM