Several hundred migrants and, with them, in solidarity of people protested on Saturday in Bern against deportation procedures. People should voluntarily be allowed to choose whether they return in a country or not, was one of the demands.

The rally participants criticized the traumatizing effect of the deportation procedures and the “degrading effect of emergency and administrative detention”, it was said in the rally call. A Demonstration of the organization’s “immigrant Solidarity Network had called”.

At the rally at the Bern Federal court, among others, refugees from Afghanistan and Ethiopia, as well as Kurds. Has supported the rally from the Afghan group, “My life in Switzerland”, the “Ethiopian Human Rights and Democracy task force in Switzerland” and the Swiss offshoot of the left-wing Turkish-Kurdish HDK-party.

“Deportation is torture,”

Also different Swiss organisations and parties of the Demonstration, such as the right to stay to support collective Bern, the JUSO Bern or the young Green of Bern.

Many rally participants wore small posters or Transparent: “Deportation is torture” or “Dublin is a city and not a deportation reason”, was to read about.

Switzerland had to cancel the Dublin regulation, was a further demand of the rally participants. Betebet Because of this regulation, every year, would be pushed “tens of thousands of migrants*between European States back – and-forth”, an unworthy condition.

those Who run away, often take a life-threatening journey to purchase. Deportation procedures led these people back to where they wanted at any price or had to. Deportation procedures disregarded the physical and psychological integrity of the persons Concerned. In the countries of origin were persecution, poverty, and social Isolation are at risk.

access to employment, education and health

also, the Regime of detention pending Deportation in Switzerland, has been Criticised. As a result, people could be “locked up”, without that you have ever committed a criminal act, write to the rally responsible in a Flyer.

The emergency assistance to rejected asylum-seekers was “mental torture” and make the Affected sick. The protesters demanded an equal treatment of Swiss nationals and migrants without a residence permit. “We want access to work, education and health,” was a further requirement.


Created: 08.12.2018, 16:22 PM