Maybe Donald Trump believes even the fact that it is so, as he claims. The latest developments in the Russia-examination to relieve him of the “total”. He said it at the weekend, after he and his advisers about the contents of the dish gave inform let, were, on Friday evening open to the public. The nervousness in the White house is increasing still, and as a Trump on Saturday in front of his helicopter, announced that his chief of staff John Kelly to leave now and the end of the year the Post, it seemed like the attempt to change the subject. It didn’t work.

The good news from the point of view of the US presidents: According to what is known, there is still no robust evidence that Trump knowingly with Russia worked together to influence his choice. However, as special investigator, Robert Mueller progresses, more and more the question of how long that remains so. After two tumultuous weeks, in which Mueller made multiple new documents before the court are two patterns clearly visible.

Greedy for Material

pattern number one: It’s a lot more contact between people in Trumps environment, and Russia were, as was well known, and they extended over a greater period of time than you previously knew. In its judgment entry about trump’s previous lawyer, Michael Cohen, Mueller writes that Cohen had already been in November 2015 from Russians contacted, posing as a guarantor of Moscow.

The man, according to “Buzzfeed,” a former Olympic weightlifter, was trump’s campaign of “policy synergies” and suggested a Meeting between Trump and Vladimir Putin. This could make the candidates in addition to political assistance, support in business concerns. The Meeting, the man who could make Trump a “phenomenal effect”. Cohen, at the time, trump’s closest Confidant, did not, according to Mueller, only, therefore, on the offer, because he had at this time already about other wires to Moscow – he had not the mediation, therefore, not necessary.

Cohen is one of a half-dozen people in Trumps a narrower environment, were contacted by Russian circles. Which is a little political help, “Dirt” on the opposing campaign, information about hacked E-Mails was offered, that was problematic:. Trumps eldest son, his lawyer, his campaign chief, his son-in-law: No one rejected the dubious advances. Instead, the opposite happened, as the Journalist Garrett Graff, one of the most accurate observers of the Russia-investigation, summarized in the magazine “Wired”: “Each contact was met with enthusiasm and with the desire for more.”

Until evidence to the contrary, can support Donald Trump on the view that he had no idea, even if it seems unlikely.

pattern number two is the way that virtually all of the Trumps companions have lied about these contacts. They did during the presidential campaign was still running, and they did it when they were later asked by the investigators of the FBI.

it is true that Russia is trying to take trump’s campaign of influence (as the US secret services), and it is true that people in the Trumps wanted to span environment with these circles, the question is, what did Trump. Until evidence to the contrary, he can rely on the view that he had no idea, even if it seems unlikely.

more Problematic Betebet it could be for the President, the other development, which was held on Friday evening. In the procedure, resulting in the prosecution of New York against Cohen, brought you to Trump for the first time, directly in connection with a criminal Offence, to which the former lawyer pleaded guilty: to the payment of hush money to two women with whom Trump allegedly had a relationship.

The Impeachment question

According to the court, entering Cohen acted “in consultation with and on the instructions of the” Trump that is referred to in the documents as “individual 1”. Since the purpose of the payments was to the women to dissuade, just before the election to talk about their alleged extramarital Affairs, this is an undeclared, and thus illegal campaign donation.

It is this step that has made Impeachment proceedings against Trump realistic. It looks as if the President would be “in the centre of a huge fraud on the American voters,” said the democratic members Jerrold Nadler, which soon leads to the judicial Committee of the house of representatives. Also, the Democrats know, however, that currently it is not clear whether, in addition to Cohen also Trump even a criminal act guilty. The principle that ignorance is no excuse, applies in case of violation of legislation on election campaign funding, namely, but not necessarily is Sentenced, only those who knew a proof that a certain payment was illegal.

there Remains the third Front, at the Trump in distress, the potential of justice: disability in the Russia affair. The concerns, recently, the question of how much the Trump of the lie knew that Cohen made to the Congress in terms of its Russia-contacts. Between the lines sounded Mueller in his latest entry on that Trump could have known about the false testimony of his Ex-lawyer quite know him, maybe even encouraged.

Would be the one that is actually so, it may be, no matter what Mueller is arguing otherwise. Obstruction of justice: That was the trigger for the Impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton .

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 09.12.2018, 21:35 PM