Halloween+ FÖLJJörgens advanced halloween pumpkins is a hit DELICIOUSLY at HOME

One of my main hobbies is to carve the pumpkins – and he is really awesome at it. Halloween pumpkins like these, you have probably never seen.

“I feel that it is a fun thing,” says Jörgen.

40-year-old Jörgen lives in Stockholm and works as a designer at a technology company. In leisure time, he devotes himself to his more artistic hobby.

He karvar and shape pumpkins in the absolutely incredible and very true to life forms.

the Interest for the pumpkins was brought in last year, when Jörgen saw a tavern nearby where he lives would hold a contest for halloween pumpkins.

– I had seen pictures from the USA from a company that was working on it a bit more advanced pumpkins. I thought it seemed fun and felt that it gave me a reason to give it a try, ” says Jörgen.

He tried on some different pumpkins at home before he was in the competition and now for this year’s Halloween is that time again.

– I feel that it is a fun thing and a fun context to be in, ” he says.

1 of 5 Goblins, witches and villains

Jörgen usually try to depict goblins, witches, and villains Supertotobet that already exist by sketching on them. The time required for each pump differs depending on which face he should do, but he usually on average put down about one, two hours to sketch or think out what he should shape.

What makes the pumpkins look so realistic, is the time We spend thinking about and shaping the characters ‘ facial expressions.

– I may have decided for a figure and then I look at myself in the mirror to see the ”how to get the folds in the face of to make this hearty grimasen?” and so I try me, ” says Jörgen.

He usually does is troll and villains but trying to diversify. His latest work is Cruella De Vil, a ”grismonster” and he is working right now on a Ursula from the Little Mermaid.

– I thought I had done a little bit of the pumpkins in creepy characters that are guys so I was thinking of doing a bit creepy aunts also.

is displayed during the Halloween

Jörgen tells us that he always had an artistic side. When he was little he loved to build snöfigurer and have as an adult competed in one part snöskulpturtävlingar and sculpted ice.

– I have always been interested in drawing, painting and sculpting, ” he says.

And his sculpting of pumpkins is appreciated. After that the staff at Gröna Lund seen his pumpkins they have heard of to Jörgen to ask if they may put them out during Halloweenveckan.

– I have sent them now so they are there to look at, it feels like a bit of fun.

in shaping characters he has experience of sen in the past, but to sculpt it with the edible material is relatively new for him.

– Yes, it’s a little special material to work with but it is actually not that difficult. It is a bit like using a small cheese slicer and just slice it, ” he laughs.

to Fix the scariest pumpkin 00:32