Emmanuel Macron is under increasing pressure to take steps to calm protests that have raged in France. The president will speak to the nation Monday.

– This chaos must end. The president must speak, he must speak soon, writes former prime minister Alain Juppe, now the mayor of Bordeaux, on Twitter.

Among them that call for action, is also høyrepopulistiske Marine Le Pen. National front leader, requesting that the Macron “recognizes the community’s suffering and comes with immediate, very strong actions”.

Macrons silence in the face of protests has increased the rage in the grasrotbevegelsen known as the yellow vestene.

SHATTERING the GLASS: Opprydningsarbeidet started in Paris on Sunday after large demonstrations against the president of the Macron on Saturday. Photo: Christophe Ena / AP / NTB scanpix Show more

Sunday confirms the president’s office that the Macron to hold a long-awaited speech to the nation Monday night.

– It is clear that we have underestimated people’s ability to get his case heard. This is a rage which is difficult to understand from an office in Paris, said regjeringstalsmann Benjamin Griveaux previous Sunday.

“Disaster for the economy”

Macron will on Monday invite the representatives of the national and local authorities to a meeting on the way forward, according to an unnamed spokesman in the Elyseepalasset.

French authorities say that this weekend’s demonstrations against the president in Paris was less violent than the demonstrations last weekend. The material damage, however, was greater, when the protests were spread out over several places in the capital.

RIOT: There are 31 000 “yellow vests” that demonstrates in several places in France this weekend. It started as a protest against avgiftsøkningen on fuel, but demonstrations have not stopped since president Emmanuel Macron decided to drop the avgiftsøkningen. Now it’s to a greater extent that the president operates a “government for the rich”. … Show more

– It is a disaster for our country’s trade and economy, said økonomiminister Bruno Le Maire when he visited the plundered shops in Paris.

Sunday was the Eiffel tower and other tourist destination again open, while workers swept broken glass from the capital’s streets.

Over 1700 arrested

According to the department of the interior was 1723 people arrested in the latest round of demonstrations. Around 1000 of the pågrepne participated in the protests and riots in Paris, and they were on Sunday still in custody. Almost 100 of them are minors, and most of the pågrepne missing dossier, informs the public prosecutor in Paris at a press conference.

COLLISION: Large “yellow vests”-demonstrations in Paris on Saturday. Photo: Air Camus / AP / NTB scanpix Show more

Number of pågrepne is far higher than during the previous round of demonstrations in the French capital.

Around 136 000 people participated in the demonstrations that Saturday took place across the country. They led to violence in several cities, including Marseille and Toulouse.

French authorities have begun to investigate the activity on social media from accounts that encouraged the demonstrations, says the sources to the news agency AFP.

The british newspaper The Times shows on the weekend to an analysis done by the nettsikkerhetsselskapet New Knowledge that shows that russisktilknyttede online accounts actively spread misinformation about the degree of force from the French police.

PRESSURE: Casinovale French president Emmanuel Macron. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more People supporting the demonstrations

the Protests have been going on for four weekends in a row, and the total number of protesters on Saturday was about the same as 1. December.

the Demonstrations began as a protest against increased fuel surcharges, but has developed into a wider movement with demands for better living conditions for ordinary frenchmen. At the same time requires protesters increased taxes for people with high income in order to equalize the economic differences.

While only a bare quarter of the French population is satisfied with the president Macron, have opinion polls shown that over 70 per cent support “the yellow vestene” – despite the destruction and the riots that some of the protesters standing behind.

Macron has already fallen in to pressure to drop the planned increase in drivstoffavgiftene that first sparked the protests. Avgiftsøkningen was intended as an environmental measure to cut the CO2-emissions from road traffic. the

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