In the case of a large-scale operation, the German police has inspected hundreds of guests at a wedding celebration of two family clans. Several hundreds had checked in on Sunday evening in Mülheim an der Ruhr, guests and approximately 160 vehicles.

informed the police of Essen, have been among the guests of “a number of persons with police Vorerkenntnissen”. According to media reports, there were Lebanese families. In addition, contacts to the Rocker would have existed in the Milieu.

The deployment was part of a “strategy of Zero tolerance,” said the police. “Demonstrations of power” and “norm violations” should not be allowed. At the same time, the celebrations should be affected as little as possible.

The police erected checkpoints at the entrance roads to the venue of the wedding. Three of the Suspects were brought for further investigation to a police station. There is a suspicion of violations of the narcotics act, the arms act and the driving licence law, the police said. Against a 38-year-old guest an open arrest warrant was also. (chk/sda)

Created: 10.12.2018, 04:28 PM