KulturÅSIKTVi have their own flag and it is rödJonas Sjöstedt answer Magnus Marsdal on the EU, Brexit and the left in Europe This is a kulturartikel , which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.Photo: AFTONBLADETKULTUR

DEBATE. policy Is a choice between flaggviftande nationalists and racists on the one hand, or the EU-vurmande the economic liberals who are always pushing for increased inequality and privatization on the other? Can you believe if you read the Magnus Marsdals text in Aftonbladet, 3 december. But the choice is Oslobet not between waving the national flag as a brexitör or the EU flag, which Emmanuel Macros , or for that matter the Swedish political elite.

the Left’s choice must be to challenge both of these forces, we have our own flag, it is red and connects us with the left in other countries.

Just a growing left can build a better functioning european cooperation than today’s EUROPEAN union. Just some growing left can build prosperity, create the equality that our communities need and solve the issue of climate change. Just so, we create an alternative to the narrow nationalism and racism that is spreading in Europe. That is why the left is growing across Europe, it is, therefore, as a principlös consequence of social democracy developed in many EU-countries.

It is only the left that challenge the right-wing politics which the EU is trying to force on member states. It is we who require the climate to be set before short-term profit. It is our job to do it together with other progressive people throughout Europe.