Martina authentic magazine spent a quiet weekend with his family. Martina authentic magazine spent a relaxed weekend with his family. Also Stefan-beloved was again in the picture. Matti Matikainen

When Martina genuine leaf a few weeks ago, a sailing trip, he and Stefan -the beloved brimstone-smelling erokommentit resounding by in social media.

First, Martina opened up in social media ihmissuhdekuvioisoitaan like this:

– Life position and control kulkijaansa definitely in the right direction, if you give it a chance. I have time to give a chance and let go. The years of pain, tremendous grief and concern to end my life now. I can’t change and I don’t especially save anyone. Substance abuse and narcissism is a lethal combination, authentic newspaper wrote, without mentioning anyone by name.

Soon it was Stefan’s turn, this time he wished the people around them ”let’s f***ut. In addition, mr. Therman hope for themselves a new life.

When Martina participated in the Atlantic-the name of the reality tv program, he and Stefan were supposed to be broken.

some kind of approach to language that, when Stefan was a sailing trip returned Martina greeted at the airport.

Now the couple are again converged, as they are spending the weekend.

Martina was inspired by the morning basking in the after comes to a dance game program, where first her daughter to excel.

martina’s moves were so good, that it came off the game a perfect score.

Stefan-beloved immortalized in martina’s bedroom dance release of its Insta Stories-department.

it would appear, then, that a couple of the hatchet are buried and peaceful coexistence tastes again.