I was depressed and walked around a bit småförbannad most of the time. To my horror I noticed that I myself began to get aggressive tendencies in my behavior. Not that I used violence and beating, but it as well as boiled in me.

Per Isdal, who worked for several years in a profession he loved, pondered more and more over what it could be. He met people working in elderly care, psychiatry, health services and prisons. He noticed that many people who helped others also became sick or felt bad.

”Medkänslans price”. Even I, with my important and exciting job was negatively impacted by those I met in my work. Working life and intrudes into the privacy. Long has it been taboo to talk about this, but it is important to prevent and to process the loads it can mean to help others.

Read more: ”Men must realize that their violence will not depend on someone else.”

”Medkänslans price” (Gothia training) came out in Sweden last year. It is about how people who, in their work encounters daily violence, pain, distress or suffering is influenced – and sometimes the actual more aggressive.

” My profession changed me. At the same time, I became more and more convinced that violence is something that is learnt, and therefore also that we can learn not to use violence. I grew up in a home free of violence, and that has always distanced itself from the violence was influenced by to meet so many violent men.

”Medkänslans price” he tells me more about their own experiences and on current research in the field. He describes something called ”Compassion fatigue,” which can be translated as compassion-fatigue.

today is Per Isdal responsible for the activities of the Alternative til Vold engaged in Stavanger, the center of the Norwegian oil industry. It is one of the richest parts of Norway, but still marked by a great social inequality. He works one day canlı bahis siteleri a week therapy for men who beat, lectures frequently and leads courses.