Mikhail Popkov is a Russian history’s worst serial killer.Mikhail Popkov wanted to clean his home town prostitioiduista. EPA

the Irkutsk district court found on Monday the siberian police Mikhail Popkovin guilty 56 the murder of a woman in 1992 and 2007, and the condemned man in another life. Popkov was found guilty also of ten of the rape.

Popkov sitting already in prison for the year 2015 received a life sentence for 22 a woman’s murder.

Popkov offers rides late in the movement for women police car Angarskin town near Irkutsk.

He killed his victims, inter alia, a hammer and an ax and dumped after the murders the bodies in the woods and to a local cemetery.

Popkov described himself as a ”maid” who cleaned the home town prostitutes. All Popkovin the victims, except one, were 16-40-year-old women. One of his victims was a police officer.

a gray-haired 54-year-old police officer appearing in court in prison uniform. He is sent to suffer the penalty to life sentence prisoners referred to the prison, which is also called ”black dolphin”.

as Part of the penalty, the district court denied Popkovin also the police pension.

Prosecutors said Popkovin had a pathological urge to kill people. The man was, however, found sufficiently sane for trial.

confessed to the murder canlı bahis in jail

scientists began to suspect the police guilty of female murder, because the trail was covered so carefully. The murders happened Popkovin acting as a police officer and, after he had left the police force in 1998.

Popkov was caught 2012, the scientists open up the cases again and do dna tests to the residents. Researchers focused on persons, which was latent for a suitable car brand.

In 2017 Meduza-website interview with Popkov explained he gave rides to women who were drunk, or lived, in his opinion, immoral.

in Prison Popkov confessed to a total of 59 murders, but he was convicted only 56, because the researchers have not been able to authenticate the three murders.

scientists have found some of the bodies of the victims remains and murder weapons Popkovin based on the data provided.

Popkov is a Russian history’s worst mass murderer. The ”chessboard murderer” Alexander Pitshushkin was sentenced in 2007 to life for 48 murders and Andrei Tshikatilo 52 the murder.

Source: AFP