It should be up to a political discussion on Denmark to right into, if one at a time having to lose a case at The European Court of human rights.

It takes group in the Danish people’s Party, Peter Skaarup, writes Berlingske.

the Announcement comes after the government and the DF has introduced a number of udlændingestramninger, which should go ‘far edge’ of international conventions.

– There are raised very serious questions about a number of the decisions that have been, says Peter Skaarup of the court. Photo: Philip Davali/Ritzau Scanpix

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And if The European Court of human rights had to assess, to some of the constraints actually go over the limit, then Denmark does not need to correct, believe the DF.

– From our side there will certainly not be an automatism, which says that because the court reaches this and that, we will change it and it, says Peter Skaarup to Berlingske.

He sees no problem in Denmark, in some cases, not necessarily right after the court. mutva

– When there is talk about the european Court of human rights, we have something that is completely outside of English control, and raised very serious questions about a number of the decisions that have been, he says to Ritzau.

– Therefore, we will – like a number of other countries – keep us concerned about whether we are to implement a decision in the Danish legislation.

On the edge of the conventions

The European Court of human rights hears cases on whether states comply with The European Convention on human rights.

It appears in multiple places in the finanslovaftalen from last week, to a udlændingestramning goes to the edge of conventions.

It applies, among other things, the introduction of a cap on the number of family reunion to refugees. And, in addition, the decision for residence permits in the future must be issued for a temporary stay.

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According to the actor and director of the Danish Institute for human Rights Jonas Christoffersen come there is no ‘european menneskerettighedspoliti and banks Denmark in place’, if you ignore a judgment.

But he stresses over of Berlingske, to countries such as Turkey and Azerbaijan have scored the Council of europe on the back of the neck, when they have chosen not to follow a judgment.

the Liberal party menneskerettighedsordfører, Jan E. Jørgensen, do not share DF’s position.

I disagree, and it is the Left disagree with that.

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