do you Remember the Munch theft? It is a classic example of that thieves have become specialists. At the time there was no security, he went right through the window. That I can guarantee will not happen here, ” says the architect Klaus Schuwerk.

the German is dose when the Newspaper call him in Italy, where he lives.

After a long process, with large differences between Schuwerk and Statsbygg, they decided, in the last week which glass to dress the hall for changing exhibitions in the new national Museum, Norway’s most expensive kulturbygg.

the Battle for the national Museum harden to: Accuse each other of threats

the Solution was to ten layers of glass and a layer with Portuguese marble.

It was the most beautiful solution. I am so relieved. It is not more expensive than the previous proposal, either, but had it not been fort the security, had it cost one-tenth, ” says Schuwerk.

Back to start

Alabasthallen, as it originally was, should light up like a lamp in the cityscape. It should have the aesthetic qualities of the deneme bonusu mineral alabaster. Schuwerk reviews the hall as by far the most important part of the building.

He was therefore in harnisk and rated to pull as Statsbygg considered using “cheap industriglass” on the hall. The reason was that a test version of the ceramic glass, which was intended to be cracked and was judged unusable.

– This is a nightmare. I wish I had never been in this arkitektkonkurransen, ” said Schuwerk.

Now is the feud of water under the bridge, and Schuwerk could not have been more pleased.

It was a thriller and I was very worried that it was going to be cheap and ugly. But it was in fact this glass we had thought to use when the character is built the first time. In 2010 it was, however, entirely new and not tested well enough. Therefore, we changed to ceramic glass. But now we are back where we started, so it was worth it in the end, ” he says.


Glassveggene in the exhibit hall will consist of 11 layers, which are considered necessary to ensure both the correct transparency, insulation and security.

WORTH a MILLION: “Cry”, was worth nearly 100 million when it was stolen in 1994. Photo: Tom Martinsen Show more

After the Munch theft has had to take security seriously. Tyverispesialistene have been completely would, they know all about numbers and specifications. So now is built oversikret, complete bombesikkert, said Schuwerk.

It was in 1994, on the opening day of the Lillehammer OLYMPICS, that a man put a ladder outside the Nasjonalgalleriets window in downtown Oslo, He smashes a window, climbs in and takes with it the most valuable painting by Edvard Munch, “the Scream”.

Pål Enger was later sentenced to seven years in prison for the theft.


Now, the same painting, namely “the Scream”-the version that is owned by the national Museum, as well as a number of other very valuable paintings to be moved into the new national Museum, which opens in 2020.

After the theft, security has been significantly better, says the national Museum.

– The overall threat level will all the time be changing. This is, of course, experiences and perspectives we have related us to in the work of the new national Museum, which is built for just to show off and take care of the art in several hundred years to come, ” says Nasjonalmuseets director of communications, Eirik Kydland.

The new building has on the advice from the Norwegian defence estates agency has been secured in many ways, also against terrorist attacks. This informs that the museum will double the expenses of security and security.

We manage a cultural heritage and irreplaceable values, so security must be high on the priority list. The audience will also feel safe and cared for, while it is important that security measures do not interfere with the publikumsopplevelsen. We should be an open and inclusive museum.

“Aesthetically cheap”

Marmorglasset is robust and weighs approx. 170 kilograms per square meter. It means that the largest glass plates will weigh over a ton.

We considered also a glass with handmade qualities and with a form of substance inside, but they saw all the aesthetic cheap out, says Schuwerk.

HAPPY: Nasjonalmuseets director Karin Hindsbo photographed in alabasthallen. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Show more

10 of the teams consist of innbruddssikkert glass and double glazing. The last layer is a thin layer of marble between two glass plates.

– If a bomb goes off outside of so it may crush, but they can’t get in, ” says the Schuwerk.

Costs a little more

the Hall has an exterior dimensions of 3 200 square meters, is 9,2 metres high, 23 metres wide and longer than the Castle.

Byggherredirektør Synnøve Lyssand Sandberg in Statsbygg says that the new glass is within approximately the cost to the museum, which is of 5.8 billion.

the Debate about the national Museum of races

– It costs a bit more than the previous option, but we don’t know exactly what it will cost before we have had a tender procedure, ” she says.

Statsbygg don’t want to go out with the accurate selection of artists for the glass, as this will give contractors an advantage in the tendering round.

“We are very pleased that we have found a drink that both gives us the natural game in the materials we were looking for and as at the same time provide security,” says Sandberg.

Challenges ahead

Klaus Schuwerk says that the architectural firm his going to follow closely what happens on the byggefeltet forward.

– Contractors always find new ways to do things cheaper. If it is as good quality and aesthetics, it’s okay, but we do our to sure the. In this case, it was that we had planned to create a sculpture in marble, but so would some create in plastic instead of. Or that one has built a house but not afford to paint. It would have been to throw 5 billion out of the window, ” he says.

Architect races against Statsbygg: – We are not prostitutes, we are architects