– I can not breathe.

This should have been Jamal Khashoggis last words before he died on the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul. This reports CNN, which refers to a source who has transcribed the audio recording of the fateful evening.

You come back

Jamal Khashoggi went into the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul 2. October of this year. Since it disappeared, he, and three weeks later, it was determined that the journalist had been killed inside the consulate.

According to the transcript of the CNN to Khashoggi have ant impossible as soon as he put his feet inside the consulate. then he recognized one of the men who face him.

Khashoggi asks him what he’s doing there. Then respond a man, who CNN identified as Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, a former saudiarabisk diplomat and intelligence officer, as Khashoggi well known after they had worked together in Saudi Arabia’s embassy in London:

– You will come back.

– You can’t do it. People waiting on the outside, ” says Khashoggi, who was accompanied to the consulate by her fiance.

At this point, without there being anything further, indicates the transcript that several men jump on Khashoggi. This is followed by more sounds, before Khashoggi thus utters his last words:

– I can not breathe.

VIDEO: for The weekend admitted to Saudi Arabia that the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, was killed in their embassy in Istanbul. Overvåkningsbildene in this video to show a saudiarabisk agent disguised as journalist – after he was killed. Video: CNN Show more – It’s done

According to CNNs source to Khashoggi said that he can’t breathe repeatedly. The source describes a scene where Khashoggi fighting against people who are trying to kill him. It should also have been repeated cries.

In addition to the sound of a saw sound, at the same time as some say “insert headphones or listen to music, like me.” Later there shall have been a number of phone calls.

According to CNNs source must be also the transcript indicates that the Mutreb update some, like Turkish officials believe are Riyadh, almost minute for minute.

– Say, for your information, the thing is done, it’s done, ” says Mutreb.

CNN interprets here the use of the word “their” as a reference to a boss. It is believed that the person Mutreb had contact with was Saud al-Qahtani, Mohammed bin Salmans closest adviser.

It has previously been known that the CIA assume that it was he who was bahis siteleri responsible for the dødsskvadronen on the 15 man who took the life of Khashoggi at the consulate in Istanbul.

According to the CIA it was al-Qahtani in contact with the squadron at the same time that he communicated with the crown prince on the drapsdagen.

According to CNN, it is the Turkish authorities who are the original the depreciation of the conversation, while CNNs source have had access to the translated version.

Saudi Arabia: Know the material the New York Times: while I have given bin Salman advice after the assassination of Khashoggi

The new details from CNN do not come any closer to the answer to the question all are asking: Surely Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, about the murder, and it was he who ordered it?

A us senator, which is oriented on the investigation of CIA executive director Gina Hapsel, says to CNN that the source’s recollections of the translated text is “consistent” with this orientation.

After the CIA briefing, several senators very intense in his statements against Saudi Arabia and the bin Salman. The republican senator Lindsay Graham called bin Salman “crazy” and “dangerous” and said that he was convinced that the crown prince had any knowledge of the murder in advance.

You must deliberately close his eyes to not come to the conclusion that this was orchestrated and organized by the people under the leadership of Mohammed bin Salman, says Graham

Saudi Arabian authorities say that they are familiar with the material CNN has been privy to, and that they believe there is no indication that it is taken a phone call.

Refuses extradition

It was 2. October in the year that Khashoggi was last seen alive. Three weeks after came the confirmation everyone was waiting for: Khashoggi had been killed inside the consulate.

the CIA has concluded that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, “probably ordered” the murder.

Last week issued a Turkish court a warrant on the two saudis who were crown prince Mohammed bin Salmans counselors when Khashoggi was killed. Sunday said Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Adel bin Ahmed al-Jubeir that they are not going to disclose any suspects, writes Reuters.

Saudi Arabia has detained 18 people who have status as suspects in the case. The authorities claim that they acted on their own.

the consul’s prayer when Khashoggi should have been killed: “Make this out. You give me problems”