The Berlin universities to overcome the “common borders”. This is the short formula for the composite application, the the Free University, the Humboldt University, the Technical University and the Charité on Monday at the Council of science and Humanities in Cologne have submitted. Under the for the of international experts in the strategy for Excellence in English formulated the title “Berlin University Alliance Crossing Boundaries toward an Integrated Research Environment” the four partners, in order to 19. To gain July the coming year together with the excellence of the crown.

the Berlin-based partner to overcome the internal “boundaries in the direction of an integrated research area”? Too much New is not revealed in the joint press release. The Strengths of the individual houses are to be bundled and linked to “new scientific potential”. In the research collaborations it is to go to “social challenges of global importance”.

do you want to improve trust in the science

advertise Here you want – in the face of a “loss of Confidence in the results of science” – the exchange between science and society. The aim is “to promote the understanding of scientific work and findings”. The basis for this should be a common “Agenda for the development and promotion of quality, integrity, and credibility of research”.

it is also Highlighted that the three universities and the Charité, scientists and scientists, “a unique career want to provide a way in closely connected structures”. You’ll share “resources even more intensively than in the past”. That was even before one and a half years, as the future of the composite application was once discussed in public.

In the previous rounds of the excellence initiative of the Federal government and the länder, the Freie Universität and 2012 2007 and 2012, the Humboldt as the elite schools have been chosen. The multi-million dollar promotion, they were able to implement their “future concepts” on the way to internationally competitive research universities. In the continuation of the Federal competition-wide strategy for Excellence, for the first time to compete not just individual universities, but also associations. This is the path taken by the three major Berlin universities and the Charité in Berlin since 2016. As a further network, the University of Hannover and the medical school. In addition, qualified 17 individual universities for the competition.

In February, the experts

possible Formally to the joint application as Berlin University Alliance was, after the four partners had won in September of this year, together seven clusters of excellence. come These large, interdisciplinary research projects are the first, basic discipline of the excellence strategy. Individual universities needed at least two clusters, as Exzellenzuni to compete, networks needed to have a minimum of three clusters. You are already 1. January 2019 for the first seven years with a year up to ten million euros, promoted.

, Michael Müller, governing mayor and Senator for science and research, is confident. The Berlin University Alliance have the best conditions to make their cooperation “with the Vision of an integrated research area and with innovative measures to a completely new level,” Müller said on Monday. For this, he assured the joint again “the full support of the country”. Also a science state Secretary Steffen noise looks to be an “excellent Basis” for the composite application. The universities and the Charité hospital have developed “an intensive, cross-institutional culture of Cooperation and their Profiles sustainable sharpened”.

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universities of Berlin city of excellence

Anja Kühne

In the science Committee of the house of representatives was to learn on Monday that the Commission of the Berlin composite takes place the request at the end of February. Exciting times for all Involved, until in the summer of the decision.