The British Prime Minister Theresa May is aiming for renegotiations with the EU on the Brexit Treaty. They will present their EU-colleagues, the “clear concerns” of the British house of Commons, and “further assurances” from Brussels to demand, said May on Monday before the deputies. The EU Commission had previously declared, however, that she did not wish to negotiate the agreement.


About 100 of the 315 members from Mays Conservative party had not been announced prior to Tuesday’s scheduled vote in the London house, to support the present Brexit agreement. Thus, it was excluded that the head of government could get a majority in favour of the negotiated contract. As May pulled the plug and announced on Monday, in her speech before the Parliament, she wanted to act in the Brussels post.

Many of their own party fear a strong attachment to the EU. The Northern Irish DUP, of which ten votes may’s government in Parliament is dependent, had announced resistance. It rejects the special arrangements for Northern Ireland. The Opposition May can hope, no support. You need at least 320 votes in favour, to bring the Deal through the Parliament.

The Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon described the postponement as a “pathetic cowardice”. The conservative party in government place their own interests above the interests of the country, and Sturgeon. The chief of the opposition Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, asked May, either in the agreement to negotiate or a new election. “We have no functioning government,” said Corbyn. So similar to the also see a lot of Tory MPs.

In the case of the supporters of the May there seems to be a last hope. With the short-term displacement May may may try to gain time, it had already welcomed before the Parliament session. The EU partners are granted but on Monday, all Renegotiation of your choice with a clear rejection. It won’t come, said a spokeswoman of the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in front of the May speech. “The Deal will not change,” reiterated Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Simon Coveney in Dublin TV channel RTE. Also in the German Bundestag, there is little inclination for another. “I see no room,” said the Brexit-Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Detlef Seif. “The EU is contrary to the United Kingdom, very far.”

This impression prevails in London, of course, with cross-party support. Since mid-November, the first Details of the agreement were leaked, which was adopted two weeks ago from the EU summit, the Nay-Sayers on all sides. Like and admire many of the British the stamina and the stamina of a 62-Year-old head of government – in Parliament, the Prime Minister has few friends. In the past month, the attempt by the Brexit-the Ultras failed, a group to bring about internal vote of confidence in the party leader. The required 48 written applications to the backbench coordinator, Brady is not met.

By the events on Monday are likely to be Calls for a vote of confidence again, louder, analyzed, and David Cheetham from the currency traders XTB, and thus the rapid fall of sterling on the exchanges on Monday. Mays, crisis means “a tailwind for Boris Johnson,” says the biographer of the former foreign Minister, Andrew Gimson. As a possible other candidate Minister Sajid Javid as well as the resigned former Department heads from Esther McVey (social) and Dominic Raab (Brexit) apply also on the inside.

Johnson used the last Sunday before the vote, to reaffirm its rejection of the agreement. The agreement will make the UK a “vassal state”. You must absorb renegotiating with the EU and with the retention of “at least half” of the agreed advance payment of 39 billion pounds of threaten. On the BBC’s question of whether he was the man of the United Kingdom “in the present Chaos”, said Johnson, visibly annoyed: “It breaks my heart that we should leave to a future limit in the us, Brussels has ruled and we have no say in this.”


This option is probably only a theoretical one. For some time plan are circulating games, the supporters May, the refractory members of the group, but still “turn over”. Justice – Secretary of state, Rory Stewart had recently said that the government would be “to convince only a few days,” the renegade group of colleagues, “that this is a good Deal – and, above all, it is the only one that is on the table”.

Of the cornered Prime Minister, only two arguments were left to organize a majority for their Deal: she warned against a withdrawal of Labour-in-chief Jeremy Corbyn in Downing Street. “If this agreement is not accepted, we are entering uncharted territory”, and predicted. “We cannot take the risk that Corbyn comes to the levers of Power.” For Labour replied to the shadow Minister Jon Trickett flight: “We are ready to make as of Wednesday morning, a minority government.”

the APR-bearing stressed that Failure of the agreement “could bring the very real risk that we will have no Brexit”. This is exactly what the proponents of a second referendum. “The youth will not forgive us if we gave her the Chance to make the Brexit reversed,” warned the former Tory Minister Michael Heseltine, with 85 years ago today, a respected “Elder statesman”. Even in the government, the idea of consent: Cabinet Minister David Lidington, de facto, may’s Deputy, and justice Minister David Gauke to work on such plans. Labour Minister Amber Rudd said: “I would again vote for the whereabouts.” According to polls, a slim majority of 52 percent for the EU, would vote.


The possibility of a withdrawal from a Brexit is on the island as entirely unreasonable, even if the threshold is lower than I thought. “I think that’s irrelevant,” said the foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, at an EU Meeting in Brussels, according to the decision of the European court of justice. The had explained, from a legal point of view, the UK could take unilaterally the withdrawal of Brexit (see the adjacent post). Hunt referred to the 52 percent of the British, who had voted in 2016 for the EU-exit, and a delay would not understand. “I think people would be shocked and very angry, and this is certainly not the intention of the government,” said Hunt. The British environment Minister, Michael Gove commented in the BBC similar.

From Scotland, where a majority in 2016 against the outlet had voted, came up immediately positive reactions. Head of government Nicola Sturgeon said it was a “key judgment”. It enables – in addition to Deal, and one unregulated outlet apply a further Option.

The Scottish MEP Alyn Smith from the Green group, the ECJ stated that,-the decision send a clear message to the British Parliament, “that there is a way out of this mess”: If the UK umentscheide, should receive the EU the country with open arms, said Smith.

The social democratic European election candidate, Frans Timmermans invited the British expressly to stop the Brexit. The world and the EU have been changed since the Brexit vote in 2016, said the Vice-President of the European Commission in Lisbon.

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Britain to leave the EU May move Brexit vote, and wants to agreement with the EU post-trade

A partial withdrawal but could also take the EU: it could allow, with the consent of all member States, a shift of the exit date. However, this seems hardly realistic.