the Harness tightens about life, while the rope, which carries the tool and the craftsman, hangs tightly down from a safe place at the top.

Far below can be glimpsed people swarming around like ants on the hard asphalt, and a fall from this height would no doubt be equal to the sure death.

despite the immediate deterrent altitudes becomes more and more craftsmen sent aloft with ropes of life. Craft in many metres height without scaffolding is becoming increasingly popular, and an increasing number of companies are offering today courses in erhvervsklatring.

– the Demand for courses rises and rises, because the need for skills is also rising, says Allan Nielsen from the, that offers erhvervsklatringskurser.
Photo: Virginia Dept. of Transportation
More in demand
The increasing demand apply both on land and at sea. For erhvervsklatring are both used in the big cities and to an even greater extent out in the large wind farms in the Danish oil fields in the North sea.

– It is still most offshore work is being made with the rope in Denmark. Esbjerg is the major focal point for the erhvervsklatring because of the large vindmøllearbejde. Siemens and Vestas pulls people in to work all over the world, says Allan Nielsen and continues:

– the Onshore work – i.e. here in the country – is also starting to be a lot of. There are many more buildings, who are beginning to use craftsmen with the skill, and that is at the same time, many more architects that avail themselves of our offer.

AMU West, RT9, and offers all courses in erhvervsklatring, and a rundringning to all training providers shows that they are experiencing an increase in demand for their courses.

All are experiencing an increased interest for the courses to people who wish to ensure themselves during work at height.

– I have waited 15 years on, there had to be something within the here industry. And now it begins to accelerate. It begins soon to be really interesting, ” says Allan Nielsen from the

Demand is also now so big that, for example, the start of the course on the new course as often as every fourth week at AMU Vest in Esbjerg. It can, according to Allan Nielsen can also be seen in the number of companies that offer erhvervsklatring that there are many more trained climbers.

– the Number of suppliers is also rising. Those who five years ago were beginners, has now even begun to start their own companies, he says. the
Photo: Washington State Detp. of Transportation/Flickr
From the Uk to Esbjerg
Out in the North sea, towering platforms up above sea level as the titans. From the peaks of these huge jobs, there has hung craftsmen and performed rebarbejde for nearly 40 years.

Erhvervsklatring has its origin in the 1980’s the Uk, where English borebisser should be ensured, when working in the heights on ocean oil rigs. Erhvervsklatring, which in English are known as ’rope access’, came to Denmark in the course of the 00’s.

in Order to be erhvervsklatrer you go through the so-called IRATA course, and it was for a long time only possible for Danish craftsmen to take in England.

at the beginning of 2008 began to hold courses in rebsikring in Esbjerg, and Allan Nielsen from began to offer courses in 2009. Since the 00’s he has experienced that the demand for erhvervsklatringskurser only have been greater.

– There is definitely a case of a rising trend. It’s like the last few years – and especially this year – it begins to go fast, he says.

Bannermontering, cafes, cleaning of gutter, setting up the various elements of the city’s skyline and an inspection is a big part of a erhvervsklatrers work in the country.


IRATA is an acronym for ’Industrial Rope Access Trade Association’.The course is approved in most of the world and can be used anywhere in the energy sector.One divides the IRATA in three levels according to work tasks, and there is 1000 hours of work between each level.

Erhvervsklatrerne hangs from more and more grønirrede spires or newer prestigebyggerier, in the cities, and in the Danish Construction association looking at the development with positive eyes.

– It is an interesting development, probably due to being built more and more specialty houses that require these skills, says Louise Pihl, vice president of the Danish Construction association.

She stresses, however, that despite the potential of rebhåndværk will need to have safety in the highest focus.

– It is a little bit spectacular. But it is fine that you can kompetenceudvikle, so construction can also develop and create new opportunities, ” she says, and continues:

– But in terms of safety, it is insanely important that you have the skills required to do this. Safety must be under control when you have to build on the way.

Just security is, however, not something that gets Allan Nielsen from to shake his hand.

Rope acces is not more dangerous than stilladsarbejde, and the demand is only set to rise in the next 10 to 20 years.

Here, you use erhvervsklatring

BoreplatformeVindmøllerBroer, dæmningerSiloer, towers, spires and elevatorskakteSportsarenaerTagkonstruktionerterminalbygningerhistoriske buildings, churches and kuplerKranerAntenner, masterSkorsteneMoler, skibeOffshoreSikring of bjergvæggeVinduespolering